SambaPOS 5.2.20 Release

For the memory of Emre Eren 1976 - ∞


:warning: Don’t forget to create a backup before installing new releases. You’ll need a working backup if you need to rollback to previous version.

What’s new in 5.2.20

  • CID Popup click priorty set to idle
  • Payment Operations Module added (tip adjusment feature for coming credit card integrations)
  • Dummy payment processor added (tip adjusment feature for coming credit card integrations)
  • Tip adjustment for tickets (tip adjusment feature for coming credit card integrations)
  • Rule debugger updated
  • GetTicketStateValue added to custom reports
  • Task calendar widget added
  • Improvements made in Tip Adjusment
  • Setting command timeout for sql executor added
  • Eager loading for task calendar added
  • User role clone issue fixed
  • Disabling Portion Selection from Menu Item Button
  • Updating decimal places for rate values added
  • Parsing command value for automation command button widget added
  • Executing automation command when save report to file action completes.
  • Syncing save program settings operations added
  • Custom report features added to format time values
  • Error handling for custom print jobs added
  • Complete all task states when a task is closed added
  • Time Clock creators added
  • Mapping commands to ask question buttons added.
  • Order price adjuster x for y items function renamed to x for y free items
  • Percent discount fixes
  • Webclient fixed
  • Multi Select for Ask Question added
  • Refreshing Action parameters added
  • Edit JS Objects with Dynamic Editor added
  • Combo box selection for dynamic editor added
  • User mutation added
  • Property sorting for dynamic editor
  • JS rule API updated to change parameter values
  • JS rule parameter update function added
  • Editable combobox for settings added
  • Auto Decimals for Dictionary Editor added
  • Auto hide menu buttons when there is no caption added
  • Prevent non admins to move / resize entity search screen columns
  • Decrease main window activation priority
  • Task editor setting to disable cache added
  • Activating main window globally
  • Browser window fix
  • Ticket lister borders
  • Property fixer for custom reports added
  • Indexing entities table added
  • Prevent deleting paymentcontroller.dll in setup
  • PaymentOperations module for multi Payment Integrations
  • And at last we are ready for US EMV Payment Integrations. Please get contact with us or your local reseller for detail information.

Yes I’m anxious to show it off. :blush::blush::blush:


Is it me or does nothing happen when I double-click the installer? (Yes, I’ve tried to Run as Administrator.)

This is most likely due to Windows SmartScreen protection, you are using Windows Server right?
Possibly it is set to deny any “unknown publishers”.


I recall you posted about something related to this some time ago, I think it’s the same issue?

I can confirm the installer runs fine.


It was the same deal again. It was set to “Warn”. When I put it on “Disable”, it worked. Thanks.

You can tell I don’t update Samba often…


It’s an important protection feature of Windows, so it’s very likely you turned it off before but a Windows update has turned it back on. Good to know it worked, I suggest you set it back now.

I think it’s Should Be “Sambapos By Emre Eren” On startup Screen.


Honestly I think he lives in the About page. That is a great sentiment though. Every inch of it has his mark. I mean every inch. I miss the late night conversations, the any hour fixes, the ranting in private staff forum.

I wouldn’t mind a few versions that say In Memory of Emre Eren on startup though.


Emre was a very valuable person, I knew you very well and I will never forget you. :frowning:


Or even saying that on About page


Or even the infinity symbol. Every time i see that symbol the last week Or so i just think ‘Emre’

Stick that symbol after or below the logo, great sentiment. Those who know… know


I get this kind of error when i try to add event on task calendar. At finish SambaPOS crashes

Can you please translate the message ?

cannot create “Image” based on text “Save_16x16.png”

What is the condition to get this error. Please describe me.

I added new Task Calender widget to entity screen, right click on that calendar and pressed “New Appointment” button or double click on any date. After that i’ve got that error message.

Ok i will control this. Thanks for reporting.


Great news (Integration). We are still waiting for integration for our country. 99% of transactions here are done electronically so I think it will be a huge feature for us to consider.


Can Anyone share more details about Tip adjustment for tickets feature or how it can be used? Thank you


It is specifically for upcoming USA Credit Card integration. Soon we can share more info about it.