SambaPOS 5.3.2 Release

It uses seperate dll files that can be dropped in program folder, beta has been working with couple of versions, think they are waiting on payment sense approval on new intergration version before public release.


What is Jetrik ? in main menu in 5.3.2 -

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Jetrik is in beta, it will be our online ordering platform. It Is not ready yet.

@VehbiEmiroglu PaymentController directory seems to be off. My CC controllers wouldn’t work until I moved the controllers from \PaymentController back to the main directory.

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That is by design so you pick the ones you need. You only need to install the IB controller and the operations dll. Sorry we should have documented that. Install them by copying them to root sambapos directory.

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Hello all -

I’m curious if anyone lost functionality with Quincy’s GQL Modules with this update or have I FUBAR’d somewhere? :slight_smile:


{REPORT MENU ITEM DETAILS:M.Name,M.DefaultPrice:MenuItem.DefaultPrice>4,5}

does not work like

{REPORT MENU ITEM DETAILS:M.Name,M.DefaultPrice:MenuItem.DefaultPrice>4.5}

Detects as 45

<button onclick="window.external.ExecuteAutomationCommand('ShowMessage', 'Hello');">Click Me</button>

not working

Execute SambaPOS function from HTML Viewer Widget - V5 Question - SambaClub Forum

If it worked in 5.3.0 and not now, I’d suspect it’s an issue in this update as I know myself a few graphql mutations are not working in this version (as I posted elsewhere)

Which ones and dı you use latest build ?

I posted the issue here few days ago:

It is on 29/01/2021 09:05 build. I tried to download again a couple days ago and saw its still the same build.

Ok i will contol this again

I tried a few command and no problem. can you send me a backup of your db ?

Exactly setup like here

DB import for action/rule:

GQL Update (846 Bytes)

It works fine on 5.3.0, but throws the errors I mentioned on 5.3.2 for both executeAutomationCommand and notifyEvent. Other graphql that I use seem to be fine, only those 2 I have had issue with so far.

I’m getting an error when trying to install the new 5.3.2 version. It ran find on the server, but my laptop is failing. Any ideas on this?


I redownloaded the software and it went fine.

Joe In the future can you send this to

You can still post on forum of course but we will see and react to support ticket faster.


GraphiQL command for GetMenu was change from “getMenu(name: String!): Menu” to “getMenu(name: String, id: String): Menu”. But new command not fetch all products. In my case only 5% items than on old version. I use this command “query {getMenu(name:“Menu”){categories{name,color,menuItems{productId,name,product{price},color}}}}”
Do you know what is wrong? I dont know where can I find Id of menu for new command.

After this version please send both name and Id of your menu. If you dont know Id please send blank. Like this: getMenu(name: “menu”, id: “”)

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