SambaPOS 5.7.0 Release

For the memory of Emre Eren 1976 - ∞

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:warning: Don’t forget to create a backup before installing new releases. You’ll need a working backup if you need to roll back to the previous version.

What’s new in 5.7.0

  • Go Order Turkiye Getir Provider Added
  • Go Order Turkiye Migros Provider Added
  • Jetrik Send Menu function added
  • First version of Time Clock module added. We will release documents of time clock in a short time. We will add more embedded reports on time clock module.

A few screenshots of the Time Clock feature.


Does this version address the addtask mutation?

I don’t think it does. Can you please create a support ticket by emailing

I’ll forward the existing thread.

Will the timeclock eventually support multiple breaks with break start and break end times?
How about the ability to edit Time Clock records?

The reason I ask is because another business owner in the same industry as I am in was hit with a Federal payroll audit. One thing he kept stressing was how the auditors were concerned with were employees getting 20 min breaks every 4 hours and the time stamps for everything. Luckily, the guy was hit with a state payroll audit a few years earlier and hired a service to keep track of timeclock records.

I’m not sure what other countries have for regulations/standards, but I would image having too much information is better than not having enough.

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This time clock was built for USA standards but yes it will support multiple breaks both paid or unpaid. We will add a lot more to it.

I want to clarify it supports all of that now. We also have a new report engine in it.

Edit: punch edits is coming soon. But everything else is available now.

Sounds great! :+1: :+1: