Save PDF Report on cloud

I would like some one to illustrate how to save End of day PDF reports on Google Drive,Here is what am doing

  1. I have downloaded the google drive app in my PC and installed .

  2. I am able to get Google drive as my storage device ,under my computer

  3. I created a folder Called Daily Sale Reports on google and have shared this folder with other respective director to enable them view the reports remotely

  4. I have give all the rights to the Daily Sale Reports folder to enable Sambapos to save respective reports on that folder

  5. I have set up print reports to PDF action, With Bullzip printer set as my PDF printer

  6. I have defined safe to a file action

I know am missing one crucial step and that is how to enable PDF Report printed to be saved in a respective Google drive folder,maybe some can can illustrate how this is done,will appreciate

muthoga please wait we will be releasing a new version of Metrik that will solve all of this for you.

now before we get to metrik,we can start by what we have ,print report to PDF, am also interested.Conversion of XPS to PDF then email

We do not support that but there are lots of tutorials on that with third party software etc.