Select All Entities by Default for Entity Screens

When going though the process of creating New Entities, I am finding you must select them all in the “Item Picker” when creating a “Non-Filtered” or “Stateless” Entity screen.

I have used a default state “Available” on the Entity. The issue is do we always need to come here if new Tabs are added?
My only reference is:

Would you maybe need to set default state to Available?

Yep did that on the Entity Type?

How are you creating the new entities?

Manually, created a New Entity Type = “Tabs” and did all the normal stuff. It seems unless there is a filter they do not show… Oh I did use the Batch process to fill out the 10 Tabs. Had the same issue with Pagers (order vibrate alert units or whatever they are called).

If you manually add them to the list, start a ticket and then clear the ticket, then go back to the settings and remove them from the list with a filter of ‘Available,New Orders,Bill Requested’ do they show?
The filter works to show entities from that type with those states, have it setup for locals tabs except use the entity search and the filter doesn’t include available so on first starting the tab they must search for the customer entity and then once there is a ticket it becomes ‘New Orders’ and shows on the ‘open tabs’ entity screen.

I think I did try that but will try again. The problem is "what if you add more States? Same issue with adding more Entities which are initially Stateless. Just wondering if I am doing it wrong or this is program design.
EDIT: Using Filters especially “Available” does not work - if you click the big “Tab” bar to refresh they all disappear.
EDIT2: Ok sorry If I add a ticket to each Entity Tab then using Filter “Available” works.

THEREFORE - I will try to manually create one to see if it inherits the DEFAULT STATE?

So long as your new states are not interrupting the default flow of Available–>New Orders–>Bill Requested–>Available it shouldn’t matter. If you have customized this state flow you would obviously need take that into account.

[quote=“pauln, post:7, topic:8181”]
EDIT2: Ok sorry If I add a ticket to each Entity Tab then using Filter “Available” works.

THEREFORE - I will try to manually create one to see if it inherits the DEFAULT STATE?
[/quote]Sounds like maybe the batch create bypasses the default entity state…
How will you be creating them in production action or from search screen?
Having available would show ALL tab entities yer? How many tabs are you likely to have? Thats why I opted to not have available in filter and to start a new tab have the search to fint entity on first opening the tab so that the ‘open tabs’ screen was clean with just current tabs.

Ok theory did not work there is no inheritance from the Default State when either manually adding new Enitities or using the Batch Create method :disappointed:
I wondering if one of the other gurus may chime in and correct me but I feel having to fake a ticket for each new entity to get them off Stateless to say “Available” or even using a Filter is not the best method.

Cant remember if this was a default rule or one we had to add.
This is related to the way that unused entities even if selected in screen are grey rather than white untill the first ticket has been on entity.

No, does not inherit Default State from master Entity Type.

I thinking having a default of 10-20 Tabs but like you I build a complete feature list for a multiple venue target. The only issue comes along if I need to build a special feature onsite like say “rooms” then forget to create a fake ticket etc etc.

Yep default rule. Must type more to get 20 chars haha
I will put a request in to get on @emre whiteboard if a solution does not come to me :smiley: - thanks, and hope all your projects a coming along well for you.

I get that but you would be starting a ticket when creating a new entity for tab in production (not perfect logic but works)

What i ment is having an available state will show ALL if we are talking about customer tabs rather than table tabs ir would could have 100+ tabs after time many not used anymore and these would all show once available is sorted.

Surely rooms would be fixed anyway so why the need for being able to create for user?

How did you input into default states field? There is no states type option.
Did you try Status=Available or Status:Available

Status=Available seems to be what would be expected;

Yes, I have study all the conversations about the Preorder Workflow and Tabs, even Ricks work and decided that I will have a growing number of Customers using Accounts as you described. But I also wish to create a short list of overnight Tabs - I do not want to worry about this Work Period issue moving over work periods with Accounts.

Doing an install and telling the venue, ok we have 10 Tabs Accounts you can use for Corporates or Functions is what I am thinking. I know they are the same as Customers but they are very different in Clubs. Best to keep the Accounting separate.

EDIT: I show you the defaults being used give me a sec.

Fastest screen grab and red arrow in the world!

The above image for anyone reading has an error for Default State. It should read as below - thanks.

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Just be sure to carefully check the report you use, proper reconciliation is tricky with preorder, changing ticket date brings/‘repeats’ sales, not changing date backdates the payment in to the WP of the ticket date…

Change that to Status=Available…

Oh no your kidding me. Ok …

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I did say but was allot of back and forward :stuck_out_tongue: