Select order tags by ID

Hello good evening. This is my first post. I write from Argentina. I’m just starting to use Samba and it’s super. I am doing the configuration for an ice cream parlor, and currently we have another system that allows entering the “ice cream flavors” with their id, using the numeric keyboard. The idea is to start using the touch function, but in order not to make the change so abrupt, I was looking at the form if you can put a keyboard on the order tags screen to be able to select them by means of an id. Would it be possible? Thank you all for your comments.


No order tags can not be selected by number.

There is an option to Auto Select which will automatically bring up the Order Tag screen after an order is added to the ticket. You can find it at:
Manage->Products->Menu List-> <select your menu name> ->Edit Menu-> <select menu categories> ->Edit Product Properties

@Bob_be Thanks for the reply! I am going to implement this function. The only thing that complicates me a bit is that I have at least 70 order tags for some products, and the screen can be a bit overloaded.

Odd one, that’s allot of tags?
Perhaps look at grouping tags?