(Self Service )Customer Order food and settle payment at cashier

So how would the popup know thats an image? Answer is it doesnt. So use <img>URLHERE</img> tags.

I spot a problem with your url though… that is not an HTTP url… thats a drive on your computer… at least I would hope you dont publish direct drive locations to HTTP :stuck_out_tongue:

So try <img>D:\POS\k\images\bananasplit.jpg</img>

You might want to study MS Windows Path Computing and Hypertext Markup Language to understand the differences.

oh ok !!! i have knowledge of html but what i didnt knw was how will the url be used in question

Yes but thats not HTML what your trying to do. If you do have a computer drive visible to internet via HTML then your probably going to get hacked soon very badly.

actually i was trying to achieve the result

btw the <img>D:\POS\k\images\bananasplit.jpg</img> is working

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Sorry I am not trying to beat you down, Obviously you were confused by something bigger than just SambaPOS because you tried to use basic Drive Pathing like HTML which are two completely different things. I was trying to help you understand the difference.

URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator and is a reference (an address) to a resource on the Internet.

So what you were needing was a Drive Path not a Url.

no need to be sorry but i should be thankful to u …u are helping me to get my concept clear

i was trying to access a drive path using url

i got confused with this:

and didnt know i could use the tags here

While that could be possible it would mean that the drive path would need to be published to the internet via a Web Server which would also mean EVERYONE on the internet would have access to it.

So basically if its just a drive on your computer then the term URL is not used at all and you do not access it like you would the internet. Its simply a drive path. You can read more about Windows Pathing here:

The quote you provided of Emre is for a different action than Ask Question Action. Its for providing a URL popup. It has nothing to do with just showing an image in a popup. That was specific for Popup Browser action. It can be used to show a popup with a URL like http:\\www.microsoft.com

oh so this was my mistake i was trying to use popup browser action working in ask question action.

tht’s y trying to access local file using href

thank you !!! u r great helper

Well your almost getting it. You cant access a local file using HTML unless you have hosted that drive on the internet with a web server which would be a very not so smart thing to do. But you saw what he did with that feature and thought it would work the same just to access local file which it doesnt.

But if you knew how HTML and Windows Pathing worked then you would have known that its not possible to do what you tried to do.

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Actually you can, and the file URL @madiha originally had (file:///D:/POS/k/images/bananasplit.jpg) was actually a correct URL to a local file. The mistake was replacing file:// with http://.

A web browser can load a local HTML file and it doesn’t need to be hosted on a web server. You can create an HTML file, like test.htm, place anywhere on your hard drive, and add the following to it:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<img src="file:///D:/POS/k/images/bananasplit.jpg" />


Open the file in your web browser, and the image will display perfectly. :smile:


Yes but in the case use scenario you can’t. That is not the same as just trying to access it with a url using HTML. That’s creating an html file and accessing it with a web browser. That would not be the same as inserting a url somewhere and accessing the drive.

I’m confused what different. Browser printer is the same thing. See Q tutorial he using image from local drive too.

In URL field in popup browser, you have to put file:/path to html file, not just path to html file.

He was using ask question action not the action he referred too. But to answer you difference is this shows it in a popup not a browser.

He using wrong Action then.

No he just wants a local image to popup. Ask question is fine. He just needed to use img tags.

Wait, I don’t think ask question with popup image that why emre create Popup Browser for this.

It works just fine. He created it to display a url in popup.

OK got it.
Here the easiest way to get the path.

1 Use File explorer to locate your image
2. Right click choose open with… find Chrome or IE
3. The copy Address and put in Ask Question - Question <img>IMAGE FILE HERE</img> That is it.

File from Server Machine


File from Local drive


now i am trying to show each item image respectively by passing menuitem name to the img tag but its not working

i have tried it with order change event …its working

but not on automation command button

is there any other way to do it?