Service Charge calculate after discount


I read this tutorial and its very usefull thank you for this tutorial.

My problem is I want to calculate service charge after discount and deposit payment like that:

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-02-06 113318

If I use set Calculation Type without any rule, everything working good like that :

But I want to set some products without service charge. So I have to use rule method and my rule like that:

My Service Charge Rule:

And If I do that Sambapos add service charge before discount and deposit payment like that:
Ekran görüntüsü 2024-02-06 171811

But I want to calculate service charge after discount and deposit payment drop like first picture.

How can I do that?

Make sure in your Settings > Tickets > Calculations > your Service Charge calculation is in a sort order after Discount.

If I set calculation method “Proportion from previous template amount”, service charge calculation formula be wrong.(must be %10 of ticket total).

I sorted my service charge calculation after Discount but not working.

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-02-07 211625

Ekran görüntüsü 2024-02-07 212326

You are right, your service charge formula is wrong.

In your Update Service Charge rule you are using {TICKET ORDER TOTAL EXP} and it will return plain order total value - in your case 55 from the Coke product. And so you will always get 55 * 0.1 = 5.5

Try just number 10 in the Amount field in the Apply Service Charge and “Proportion from previous template amount”

Yes you right.This is the solution for adding service charge for all product.

But I have to set some products without service charge. Because of that reason I can’t use
“Proportion from previous template amount” calculation method.

I have to use “Fixed" calculation method and I have to add rules formula like bottom:

[=TN('{TICKET ORDER TOTAL EXP:(MT.Servicing=YES) and (ODI=True) and !(OS.GStatus=İkram)}') * 0.1]
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