Settle tickets & Print Bill from Mobile Client

Hi everyone,
We recently moved to Samba V5 and are trying to set up a mobile client. So far, the mobile client has connected successfully with the server. But a few troubles.

  1. Can’t Settle an open ticket.
  2. Can’t print the bill to a printer connected to a non-server PC.
    Below are the setup screenshots

Mobile Client Settings

Selections under Print Bill option


Table setup:

Currently menu is showing in app and working fine.

How can settle option be added to the mobile client? Just like in our Desktop version


Settle is not supported with v2. It will be with v3 when we release it.

Meanwhile is there any way to punch the orders to server via mobile and have tickets closed and billed properly?

There is no way to do payments on v2 mobile.

So how do we setup the app that it is useful for taking dine-in orders?