[SOLVED] Help for the tutorial GC Sales & Redemption

Looks like order state is not updating to the required state. Did you modify that flow? I dont see Printed state on the order at all.

No i haven’t modify anything,
I have dove evetything exactly like the tutorial …

Show the Rule - Ticket Closing - Update Order State: the one that updates it to Printed.

Samba’s default rules, or GC Rules ?

The GC Rules of course. I can get the actual name according to tutorial if that will help you.

Name: RU GC Update Order States

with default mappings

So remaining amount is not 0. I dont understand how it even showed the Show Message the state was still Ordered.

RU GC Update New set the Ordered

I’m sure that is the same problem for not Printing and not refreshing Balance in Entity Screen, just can’t found it …

It should print once balance is 0. Are you not settling the ticket?

i’m getting the Sales Ticket that i sold 1 Gift Ticket

It prints Ticket Template and no GC Template …

Show a settled ticket.

not the printed ticket… the actual ticket from ticket viewer.

not thew viewer… press display and show me the ticket. I am specifically looking for Order State of the order after its settled.

OK so it is changing the state correctly. Can you show your print job again? Nevermind this is just for the certificate template.

i can show you anything, you’ll be hero if you find the error , I am about to quit… not yet !!!

Well the best advice I can give you is that you have missed something in the tutorial. The tutorial works we know that. The most likely scenario is you missed something or you have configured something that is conflicting with it. All I can do is try to fish for information.

I do not mean this to be mean but 90% of these situations the person typically says I have done everything multiple times exactly like the tutorial, then we find out later they really did miss something. Its a very complex tutorial and can be easy to miss small detail. Also the chances of a different custom configuration the user might have done could conflict.

I hope you can understand why its hard for us to help people in these situations. The best thing you can do is take a break from it for a bit and come back to it and examine it carefully again to the tutorial.

I have delete and recreate everything from scratch 4-5 times,
I checked everything one by one more than 10 times
I 'm sure everything is OK

I set up a Virtual Machine with new SambaPos Installation , nothing

I know that is hard and I appreciate your help …
I don’t want to bother you all the time, but i really can’t find a solution

THe tutorial works. So something is wrong or it would be working.