[SOLVED] Try to Send email :-)

Is your evnt still ticket entity changed?

Expect your doing a new ticket, {TICKET ID} wont work till ticket is submitted/saved.
Try laying it away to a table reopen it and then change entity.
You will probably need to add a save ticket action in at the top on the rule actions.


You could try using {TICKET NO}

When you get it working would love to see a screenshot of the resulting email to see how it comes out.

You could get fancy as email body should support HTML so you could add some ''pretty" formatting.

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{TICKET NO} - no working
{TICKET ID} - no working
{DATE:ddMMyyyy-HHmmss} - it’s working

Did you try adding a save ticket action;

If you want to use dat you can but you will need to do a two stage automation.
Execute automation command with date as the command value
That command triggers your existing rule and [:CommandValue] would be used in place of {DATE} in both actions.
I dont think using DATE twice will work as seconds are possibly going to change between them…


Unless you want to been a log of the .txt tickets you could just used a static file name in both as reprinting next ticket should overwrite. Just make sure file directory is local if using multiple terminals to avoud clashes.

i prefer Ticket No and not date.
I use date because it was the only working for create ticket to file

Add a save ticket action and put it first in the list of actions on the rule.

Personally I doubt that entity changed would be the best place to trigger the rule anyway, what if you select wrong one…
Or if the entity were selected before completing the ticket and more orders added after selecting entity?
Why not of ticket close?

He is capturing when a Deliverer is selected for the ticket.

I add a save action but nothing done …
It creates the file but not with the ticket number but as {TICKET NO}.txt
The whole think is working, I just have to find a way to export the files with the proper name …

I get that, just questioning if its the best time to trigger the automation.
Before ticket closing with a constraint of deliverer entity name not equals ‘’
Solves save ticket action need and allows for multiple user flow sequences - entity first/entity last etc.

Can you show the action…

Save Ticket action should be the first action in the rule.

I set it First and Second in row nothing changed …

here you are…

Sorry, and the .txt printer settings

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Cant see anything obvious…

I would use a static value to check every thing else is working in the mean time.

test it with ticket.txt mail still blank …

Email body does not support multiple lines it has to read all on single line. So this wont work. Your best bet unless we get more support from Emre would be to just use a file attachment.

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