I am at a loss then you must have changed something about the Entity Type. Or you misspelled something. It works just fine in my testing.
I create this rule
guess …
Append a show message action to see what that tag actually returns.
I am wondering if it cant read that because hes constraining it to Delivery Entity only. I would think that wouldnt matter though if it has ticket access.
The action probably didnt fire at all cus you have it set after Close ticket.
Show message action is a great tool for debugging things like this.
Eveyrhing works like a charm, it’s all Gmail’s problem …
Don’t use gmail at all …
Here are my configurations and the result.
The only problem is the {ORDERS}
In earlier pos i wrote that i use my host settings and didn’t work, after i spoke today with Tech Department the informed me that they have a “super” security system and only they can disable it !!!
So we disable it and everything is OK
is working
It seems that i can’t have {ORDER} or anything close to that on email body so i decide to print ticket to a file and have it as an attachment to an email.
I want it in pdf format, I set printer to pdf but the export file is broken …
Any idea ?
In theory if you print to text file you should be able to use a script to read that test file into the message body in pretty much whatever layout goes on ticket.
Or even a script to read direct from the orders table and generate a message body.
I have a script which generates a JSON array for each order on a ticket which should be fairly straight forward to produce a line per order body with format like;
{QTY} x {ORDER} {PORTION(if not normal)} - {PRICE}
You would just need to feed TicketId into the script as part of the email action/rule
hi @JTRTech
can you share that script ?
Find function itemized(PostTicketId)
in my PMS Integration topic.
It will need some adapting…
Few parts will be irrelevant.
Also note there are a couple of dependent scripts which are being loaded at the top of the script, you will also need these either as part of it or dependent like mine.
something more simpler is a script to read the txt file and the body will be a {CALL:???.???}
Have a look at this topic.
Was based arround reading a txt file.
My file export name is c:\tickets\{DATE:ddMMyyyy-HHmmss}.txt
with this simple script i call it in my email {CALL:read.ticket}, but the email is empty
so i supose that {DATE:ddMMyyyy-HHmmss} is not valid for script ?
even with fixed name still not working …
Handler: read
function ticket() {
var ticket = file.ReadFromFile('c:\\tickets\\{DATE:ddMMyyyy-HHmmss}.txt');
return ticket ;
i confirm for those who don’t own domain name/hosting that outlook.com with the following settings is working.
S M T P Server: smtp-mail.outlook.com
S M T P User: youremail
S M T P Password: yourpassword
S M T P Port: 25
To E Mail Address:
C C Email Addresses:
From E Mail Address:
E Mail Message:
File Name:
Delete File:
Bypass Ssl Errors: False
Retry Count:
Retry Minutes:
Use {TICKET ID} for file name in print action.
Then change to;
function ticket(inputTicketId) {
var ticket = file.ReadFromFile('c:\\tickets\\'+inputTicketId+'.txt');
return ticket ;
Then your call will be;
{CALL:read.ticket({TICKET ID})}
PS. even if {DATE:ddMMyyyy-HHmmss} did work in tickets its within quotes so would be treated as a string not a variable
Thats what the + + is about;
var ticket = file.ReadFromFile('c:\\tickets\\'+inputTicketId+'.txt');
'c:\\tickets\\' + inputTicketId + '.txt'
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
string plus variable plus sting
So is inputTicketId was 12345 it becomes;
var ticket = file.ReadFromFile('c:\\tickets\\ 12345.txt');
'c:\\tickets\\Ticket: ' + inputTicketId + '.txt'
So your filename would be 'Ticket: 12345.txt'
For some reason Samba is searching for 0.txt
and the output file name is {TICKET ID}.txt
with ticket id i started in first place and then i set it as date format
[Exception Info 1]
Top-level Exception
Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Message: Could not find file 'c:\tickets\0.txt'.
Source: mscorlib
Stack Trace: at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
at System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase.SetContentFromFile(String fileName, String mediaType)
at System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase..ctor(String fileName)
at System.Net.Mail.Attachment..ctor(String fileName)
at Samba.Services.Implementations.EMailService.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<InternalSendEmail>b__2(String x)
at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)
at Samba.Services.Implementations.EMailService.InternalSendEmail(String smtpUser, String smtpPassword, Int32 smtpPort, String toEmailAddress, String ccEmailAddresses, String fromEmailAddress, String subject, String body, String fileName, Boolean bypassSslErrors, MailMessage mail, SmtpClient smtpServer)
at Samba.Services.Implementations.EMailService.SendEmail(String smtpServerAddress, String smtpUser, String smtpPassword, Int32 smtpPort, String toEmailAddress, String ccEmailAddresses, String fromEmailAddress, String subject, String body, String fileName, Boolean deleteFile, Boolean bypassSslErrors, Int32 retryCount, Int32 retryMinutes)