Some requests for better use on the touch. Use Sambapos on touch devices. Use Sambapos in RDP

  • When you copy SambaSettings.txt file from App Path to User Path SambaPOS Local Settings becomes windows user account based. So you can assign different terminals per windows user. This is the most important thing to know when you need more control on RDP configurations while running RDP devices and also use SambaPOS as a regular terminal on same computer.

You can read more about it at the end of this tutorial.

  • When you assign a terminal for each windows user you can configure separate menus for PC and RDP and you can assign them through Ticket Type.

While editing a ticket Menu will appear for Server terminal and RDP Menu will appear for RDP terminal. So you can prepare different layouts for different devices.

Also you can download PDF from SambaPOS Server, Workstation & RDP Setup Guide topic for even more information.

Unfortunately buttons you’ve mentioned are not configurable but since you have windows user account based local settings you can adjust screen zoom level for better view.