No it was you I found it. His screen was made using a custom entity screen, Task Editor Widget and some HTML widgets and actions etc to support it.
Its somewhat advanced setup I really dont have the time tonight to go through it with you but I can tell you some features to study that might help you start configuring your own. One moment…
The main screen was a Custom Entity screen with an image as the background:
He used an Entity Search Widget and resized it so only the data entry portion showed.
I am not 100% sure but it seems like he used an Automation Command when he entered and selected the Entity to launch a Browser Popup and custom HTML to display that Entities information.
This will give some idea of how to use the Browser Printer to display Entity Data. This is not the same thing it uses a template to display orders but you can get the idea of how to use it. You would be feeding Entity Data into your template instead of orders.