Stock Consumption for Date Range in V5

Continuing the discussion from Consumption Report Help: Entire Month:


How do we modify the syntax below to report other than current Work Period?

[Consumption:2,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>Item|Unit|Current|Last Count|Purchased|Removed|Consumed|Variance
{REPORT CONSUMPTION DETAILS:C.Name,C.Unit,C.Inventory,C.InStock,C.Added,C.Removed,C.Consumption.sum,[C.InStock]-([C.Consumption]+[C.Inventory]);0.00;-0.00;0.00:C.Consumption>0}

Using simple C.Consumption.sum only shows last period day.

Like this?

[Inventory Consumption:2, 1,1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
{REPORT CONSUMPTION DETAILS:C.Name.asc,C.Consumption.Sum,C.Unit,C.Inventory.Sum,C.InStock.Sum,C.Added.Sum,C.Removed.Sum,[($5-($2+$4))];0.00;-0.00;0.00:C.Consumption>0}

No, that’s where I got to as well but you are summing up all the Predictive quantities for each day in the range so we get large numbers. The Consumption is correct but I guess we need the last day of the WP predictive and current levels OR just drop them out of the Report?

Ahh, I see, I got you now. Right. That makes no sense to do that.

Well, Consumption Records are generated at the end of a Workperiod. Those records are unique and cumulative based on todays consumption and previous days consumption. Think of them like a snapshot of current stock counts.

So if you want to see what you consumed on a different day, or within a month, you might be able to do that, but some of the fields don’t make sense, like prediction, or physical corrections - these:


The Added and Removed columns should still be usable I would think. They are from Purchases (Added) or stock transfers out of Warehouse A (removed) into Warehouse B (added).

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Oh good, thanks for that I am glad I am on the same page. I saw some SQL from these links above and thought maybe there was a solution found (a while back) that I was unaware of…

I will rename the report to “WP Consumption” and advise client to use another shorter form report that might be called Venue Stock Consumptions…

There is no “solution” to be “found”. The 2 fields I mentioned are “current state”. They are not meant to be aggregated, and should be removed from the Report if you want it to span a range.

All the other fields however can be summed.

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How to display minus quantity from calculation C.PhyscalInventory - C.Instock