Support for Artech AD101 / AD102 CallerID device


I was looking to use the newer Artech AD102 Caller ID Device but also experienced the same issues of the application created by @telefunken no longer working. Comparing the DLL file used to communicate with the device, I would make the assumption that the one included with the application does not support the AD102.

I did some testing and have managed to add the new DLL file from the latest SDK 20170510 version. The 64-bit version does not appear to work at all, but I managed to get the 32-bit (x86) version working fine. I tested it on 64 bit Windows 10 but have not done so on 32 bit Windows.

I have updated the source and recompiled the application, which I have called CHC v1.1, which can be downloaded below. I also added the following changes:

  • Updated latest (20170510) AD102 API DLL
  • The application now loads to the system tray (no longer displays popup window on startup). This makes it better for background running and you can add it to the startup folder to launch on Windows startup. You can view the call log by right clicking the system tray icon and selecting “Show”.
  • Fixed the date/time format in the COM output to always use 2 digits for hour, minute, month, day (previously would use single digit in cases like 1am = 1 instead of 01)

PLEASE NOTE: I have no way of knowing if this new version is still compatible with the older AD101 model. If you find it does not work, I suspect the original version may still work with the AD101 model.

Download: (83.1 KB) (source) (570.0 KB)

I have not compiled the 64 bit (x64) version as it does not appear to work with the latest provided API DLL files from Artech. If anyone wants to attempt to fix that (however the benefit of running at 64 bit is likely minimal), you can download the latest SDK for the AD102 below:

AD102 SDK Download (NOT needed for normal use, only for development) (6.5 MB)

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