Switch From SQL Server Express LocalDB to SQL Server Express

Im planning to deploy two (2) terminals with Sambapos (not RDP, one client and one server ) in one restaurant. Only one will be processing payment. I’ve installed the default LocalDB for the first terminal (FT). Im preparing to install the second terminal (ST).

Some Questions:
1/ Do i have to include the default database component (i.e.LocalDB) in the ST installation process?

2/ For the ST, Will the Sambapos application experience a noticeable performance hit connecting to the database over the network as compared to using RDP ?

3/ Is there a reason(s) to transfer/attach the Sambapos database (LocalDB-based) on the FT to a standard SQL Server Express Instance ? What? How ?


Using rdp is a bigger performance hit vs connecting to a db over network. RDP is best used for tablets/phones. If your device is a windows computer you shouldn’t use rdp anyway.

Your best setup would be a single SQL EXPRESS db and both clients connecting to it. Whichever PC is fastest or has most resources should be the db server.

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