[Task Widget Tutorial] 1. Creating a to-do list

Task Create commands:

When the task is initially created, any Automation Commands listed in this box will fire.

Task Complete commands:

When the task is marked as Complete, any Automation Commands listed in this box will fire.

Task Commands:

These are pre-defined, and they cannot be modified. For any of the pre-defined commands that you list here, a button will appear at the bottom of the Task Editor Widget. The 3 pre-defined commands are:

Select All

You may change the appearance of the buttons, using this syntax:

… or …
buttonHeader=CommandName:[Custom Field Name]

For example…

Select all Widgety Task Things on this display=Select All
Flip the completion status of all Tasks=Toggle
Mark Selected Tasks as Completed=Complete
Mark Completed=Complete:SomeValue
Order Served=Complete:[Table] … where Table is a Custom Field Name in the Task Type definition.