This is what it does when I use “Add Calculation” payment processor. How it looks?
How did you do that?
I used “Add Calculation” payment processor.
Can you configure / test that on your side once more for me?
You have BLANK description Name?
Yes it is not important. Just a note field to differ items when you have multiple processors from same type.
That’s works! Cannot understand I was certain all things were tried but maybe I did not SAVE the transaction before?
Maybe. You should close / reopen transaction list to see latest item. You should also create new tickets as such changes does not change old tickets.
Doing all of that now, many times to test…
You can keep testing few more different tickets as it may still relate with something else. Let me know if you notice something.
Yes I am happy Emre - thanks for sticking in there! It was probably a combination I did not try which is surprising as I do try all options?
Might put it down to age
Here is the final result from “Display Ticket”:
OK. I want to be sure it works fine for you. On your red arrowed screen shot you wanted to see tax excluded service amount. That’s why I argued that. Just like discounts it applies to sales amount amount and there is nothing like tax excluded service amount. Current Tax scheme applies to service. I mean If there is no taxed order in the ticket there will be no tax for service amount. Or you may not configure it like %10 tax for order and %15 tax for service. Do we agree on that?
If you still want to sell service like a concrete product and calculate tax separately for service amount you should configure it like a product, setup its tax and add it into the ticket like an order line and configure rate based order tags for it like @Jesse suggested. In this case you need to use “Execute Automation Command” processor and make required updates regarding that order line. I’m not sure if it works but it possibly configurable.
Also I’ll strongly suggest you to test cases where ticket have discounts.
Yes I see you make some very important points and is excellent info! At the moment we have 1 Tax with 1 rate. The tax applies to most items except essentials like bread, milk, etc. But I see if we only sell a loaf of bread and it is paid by a Credit Card - then no tax would apply, correct?
So I would prefer to use Automation but trap Payment Processed TYPE and if CREDIT CARD used then apply a Service Charge. The only issue here is you cannot back out of the Payment Type once it has begun, humm…
Yes. Applying service charge works like you sold $100 item for $101 and if there is no tax for that item there will be no tax amount. Rate based stuff calculates like that. For example you generally won’t calculate tax or service amounts for gifts but some gov’s don’t care if it is gift or not and wants their tax like it is not discounted. For this reason we can’t talk about an universally common method as local laws changes.
I believe what we do is simple and easy to validate so if Tax amount calculates fine further implementation is not necessary.
Sounds like an issue but I’m not sure what exactly it is lol …
haha - well using Automation I feel the workflow would be something like:
Create Ticket
Add Order
Add Order
Settle - How would you like to pay Mr Customer? oh by Cedit Card, uh that is an extra (picture no so smart user here)
Back to Ticket
Add Order “Special Item” Service which adds Total Ticket Price
Take Payment
Is that how you see the flow?
Yes the Receipt Template already has a $-1.00 Saving
what would that be? Thats not exactly what I was referring too.
So your wanting service charge to only be added if its paid by credit card?
An alternative flow is to ask before orders taken what payment method.
You should be able to add that with “Add Order” action and control flow like we handle promotions. Also you assign a specific “Account Transaction Type” to that order line by using “Update Order” action as it is a service and not added into sales.
PS: @Jesse it is fine. Pauln just wants to have an idea about possible solutions if someone asks that.
Yes. That is correct…
I should probably not try and think so hard with such a migraine lol I am just too addicted to SambaPOS to stop lol.
@Jesse did you tried acupuncture for migraine? One friend suffered from it for years and says it is better after trying that.
Great. So I could do this at the Settlement Screen or would I need to be in the Ticket Screen? At the settlement screen I would try to have an Automation button with a Caption showing the extra fee (saving the operator guessing). Yes it would just be like a Payment Processor but not…