I am getting frustrated!
I appreciate your input though, if you wish feel free to test it yourself. Ill leave it for now, hopefully I will have an eureka moment tomorrow lol
What are you sending?
Being more familier with scripts id be looking at posting from there.
Check and see if their api supports post fields or json/xml data rather than url string.
function testtelgram(){
var chat_id = '@SlrPosTickets';
var message = 'Hi from SambaPOS';
var url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot1154477631:AAElHucd6wld0JtEn-YdhuBqqSbC1yAXtf8/sendMessage?chat_id='+chat_id+'&text='+message;
var request_json = '';
var response_json = web.PostJson(url,request_json);
return response_json
Was just coppied from other scripts as all mine post json.
Sure there are several webpost helpers and one without json element.
Expect their api likely will have ability to receive the data as post json rather than url vars which would be cleaner script but same functionality. At leasted based on the fact it returned a json success responce
Lol scripts don’t mean fixed. My PMS intergration has sent over 1 million charge lines to group hotels PMS is last 4 years, definatly not fixed scripts. I just did fixed to texf as didnt know your variables.
What your event and what you sending?
Don’t need to query anything, can pass in variables via the call from the action or many other options.
I know, what I meant to say is that I wanted to go with an easy way but it didnt work.
On ticket closing rule if status = new it will send {QTY}x {PRODUCT NAME} and order tags. Once I get it to send that, I can easily play with formatting.
I like working in scripts, rather than complext string of rules you can use dlg helpers to get vars from user input from the script directly.
My new email guest bill for signature posts ticket to website with getTicket graph json and website renders pdf of the ticket and emails guest copy with link to an esign form.
I am using a few input vars as above with this graph query