Totally off topic you need to spruce up your website unless you prefer it that way and it is working for you. Much can be done there
mine lol? I know, its on an old joomla install from like 10 years ago, has been on list for a long time.
Yes yours lol, I know it can be displayed way better and seeing from that services that you can offer which is customization and you are already writing (or creating) tutorials I don’t see why its not on your website. I do Wordpress webdesign as hobby. Your site has Wordpress.
I can see you are really good at what you do and I would like to learn from you if possible.
trying to charm your way into more help
You will be better off to learn rather than just be told the answer as you will be able to do more in the future. Thats why alot of forum regulars don’t just give the correction straight up, we try help people to learn.
Once it clicks and you get the automation you can do soooo much more.
Tutorials are not on there as its not a service, just something I did for forum.
Had intended to create more and offer a service on it but samba changed its model from heavily DIY to more resellers meaning less end user demand for tutorials.
Forum used to be much more active with more complex and innovative ideas going round.
In short, you havnt followed the KB exactly.
I’d sugest removing actions and rules and trying again from scratch for the ticket counter.
If still have issues will sort you out.
Lol you got me . . . I am learning really I read the manual which sambasupport sent me going through forums and vids.
Covid bring a great opportunity as suddenly everyone wants websites and delivery services etc.I understand but I know there is a lack of Sambapos in our country as I have never heard of it before nor seen it anywhere except by my client. I’ve seen how the guys have customized their Sambapos and it really looks great.
Deal, should I use this post
or this one:
Hmm, just looked at that topic on KB again, you know thats a ‘PRINT NUMBER’ not a daily order number? update is on print…
If you want daily order number you should use ticket created so it sets the ticket count on ticket created.
Also your other link is to v3 forum…
Thanks I see that, however the value field seems to be similar to what you have sent
On Sambapos website:
And here is what I have done:
3.) I then removed the actions Increase daily Counter and Reset Daily Counter then saved it. After I saved it I went back in and readded it.
4.) Here is a picture of the ticket template and kitchen order template:
I finally figured it out lol wahaha so the tutorial that I have followed is different/wrong it has curly brackets and not square brackets as I have tried it many ways.
So the square brackets give you an input field in a Rule so that you can input a formula or expression.
Now the only thing left is to test it in the live environment.
However all ticket counters are printing as 1 for any orders
You are using 2 different names:
One has a space in between each word, the other doesn’t.
One other handy tool to use, is the Show Message action. You can place it anywhere in the list of actions withing a rule to see if a value is present, to see what value(s) are, how the value(s) are being changed, etc.
Thanks a million @Bob_be as usual. JTRTech was right and I should of picked up the curly brackets thing and I noted the space between ORDER NUMBER was odd but I did not know any better.
This what I currently have
Will test it on Wednesday and Thursday and let you guys know the outcome. Thanks for the dedication. If you still see any errors in actions or rules kindly let me know .
Thanking you in advance.
Think your still going to have issue,
Think that will skip numbers, you are updating setting +1 and then using the setting +1.
Personally I would reset to 1 at end/start of day
THen in ticket created use setting to tag and increase after, but thats just me.
Above still stands though, think you going to only have odd ticket count numbers.
Also, it may work but I am sure recommended process is to carry the field to the rule if using dynamic value/tag, you update setting action have the formula in the action rather than rule. Probably works but think its generally done that way as some expressions/tags will only work if in the rule I believe.
Haha I think you are right, I was told that ticket counter did not show #1 and as long as the ticket counter is not repeating I’m happy. On the other hand it does reveal a new problem that when two people places an order at the same time it gives the same ticket counter number.
I will be implementing the resetting to 1 instead of 0 which would be better in my understand and I agree with you on that statement.
You would be hard pushed to make this actually happen surely. There can only really be a split second between using the program setting and increasing it for the next ticket. Have you actually seen this happen?
I will need to practice writing formulas as I already thought of saying something like this
If its equal to 0 then replace it with 1 otherwise just continue adding 1 lol
Or just reset to 1 lol.
Lol, yes that was the thought before your suggestion but your one is better and quicker.
Do you know if there is a SambaPOS best practise guide for setting server with 2 terminals in case I am setting it up my own way as I am figuring it out(might not be aligned with how SambaPOS does it)?
In what way?
All that matters is samba can access SQL.
Other than that just make sure message server is setup and connected on each terminal.
There is no real ‘server’ or ‘master’ as far as the samba app itself is concerned, each terminal is just a samba app connected to SQL DB.
If your SQL hosting machine is also a terminal, other than that you might have set connection string to localhost the samba app itself really doesnt do anything different that on any other terminal, they all comunicate with sq the same regardless of where the DB is hosted on the network.