I wanted to know How you work out Which Terminal is Which. We have upgrade to V5 from V4 but now one Terminal keeps locking up and shutting down. When the upgrade happened it shut everything down and since then nothing but issues. Regards Thomaxs
In Settings > Local Settings
You can select which terminal you want to use.
I see that you can Select Default Terminal in the Settings so if I Select Terminal POS2 on the Computer that I have logged in on dose that make POS2 and if I login on another Computer and Select POS1 as Default dose in Become POS1 and another as Server? Not sure if part of the issue is the 2 computers we are having issues with when we Log onto what was the Server we get a message that its unlicensed and we have to put in email and pass word then we log off. When we log onto the next Computer we get the same message so we put in the email and password again, next time we log back into the Server we get the same message again. The only one we don’t have issues is the one that’s using a different log on code. The 2 that use the same Code have always used the Same Code in V4. I have tried using different Log in Codes but didn’t make any difference.
Cheers Thomaxs.
Thats exactly how it works.
You configure this option for each physical computer to follow the settings of that defined terminal.
You only ever need to activate license on the main server PC that hosts the database. Turn off SambaPOS app on all computers, clear key, activate license on the server PC and just open SambaPOS again.
Thanks we will give that a try. Cheers Thomaxs.
I’m also starting to think that there is an issue with the Data Base Back Up. POS2 as it will be is backing up to [My Documents]\SambaPOS5\Database Backups. I thought that it should Backup To The Server. I think that when it was installed the installer caused a lot of issues that now need sorting out by a Novice Like Me so any and all help will be greatly appreciated.
Cheers Thomaxs.
Backups must be initiated from the server.
Hi Jesse, is there a Tutorial on how to set up POS5 from start to finish on 3 Machines please as I think it has been installed incorrectly as on Terminal freezes all the time after a few minutes? And as I said before 2 Terminals seem to have a conflict with each other. Cheers Thomaxs.
Everything you need is on kb.sambapos.com
Thanks very much for that. Cheers Thomaxs