Ticket created in the table and visible on the delivery list view , how can I fix

ticket created in the table and visible on the delivery list view , how can I fix

Hello I am new to the forum , and I apologize for my English is not the best, but we set up counter screen, and the delivery as in the tutorial, so that when I issue the ticket at the tables it appears on the idle screen of deliveries, how can I fix it, I’m using version 3

Version 3 support is at www.sambapos.org this forum is for version 4, however since many people use that same tutorial even in v4 I can explain how that problem has happened maybe you can figure out what you did.

Ticket State is what controls that. You either are setting ticket to the wrong state for non delivery tickets or your Ticket Lister widget for Delivery is set to also list non delivery states.

ok , so if I determine a different ticket state that use the table I can solve my problem

You should probably leave tables set default and fix your delivery tickets to use a delivery state. If you followed tutorial correctly there should be no issue. My advice is to go back through tutorial and figure out what you missed.

ok thanks for the help will go back and retrace my steps and then post the result