Ticket Lister Widget issue

I try to view tickets on Ticket Lister Widget
Well I tried everything but it does not work.
When I use a default database it works great.
But with my database it does not work.
What could be the reason?

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Did you selected correct Ticket Type on Entity Screen ? The reason might be … anything. It will be better if you can add screenshots of widget settings and entity screen settings.

Your settings seems fine. Can you PM me a backup zip file?

Thank you for the backup. Since you’ve included Paid state it tries to fetch all tickets created from day 1 :slight_smile:

Add this expression to limit that to display tickets only created today.

@emre. Still not working

You’ve mistyped expression…

Date > DateTime.Today

Thank you @emre works great


Can we also use Bill Requested State in the Ticket Lister Widget?

Yes i did that and it works.

You showed me how to display closed tickets only created today.
is it Possible to Add expression to limit display tickets to Current work period?

It is not possible since there is no ready to use printer tag to obtain work period start date. I can implement it on next update.

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How do I view a certain date tickets??

@pizzaeilat4 maybe you should consider using Ticket Explorer Widget instead.

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Well @emre,
that’s true but I use Ticket Lister Widget to look for existing customers on Facebook or Twitter
And I can not do it in Ticket Explorer Widget.
How can I limit the display of tickets for example for a week, a month, two days??

You can try Date > DateTime.Today - 1 for past two days or Date > Date.Time.Today - 6 for a week and so…

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I tried it but unfortunately it does not work

Sorry for the trial error procedure. I don’t have access sambapos atm. Can you also try Date > Date.Time.Today -6? If it won’t work I’ll be able to test it after Monday.

I’d love to get an answer after check.

Is this an error (typo) in syntax???
Date.Time.Today - 6

Should it be instead:
DateTime.Today - 6