Time Clock Not Working on the New Update 578


I recently downloaded the latest version of Samba and encountered a specific issue with the Time Clock feature. Despite my attempts to activate it, I’m unable to see the clock in/clock out option at the login page. I’ve tried restarting the system multiple times, but the problem persists. Interestingly, when I installed an older version of Samba, the Time Clock feature worked instantly. I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance to resolve this issue.

Sounds like it is not saving in the settings table for some reason. Try enabling it then quiting Sambapos and restarting.

I did that mutiple times on different devices still the same issue. As long as it the latest version of samba it not saving it when i restart

Please fill in all of the fields even if you are not using them.

I did still the same issue

Screenshot 2024-03-05 121505

This are some screen shot from the settings

I couldn’t get the Timeclock to appear anywhere until i turned the Custom Navigation feature off.

You must create the navigation button for it if you are using custom navigation.

I turend it off and on and tried it again still now workng

How can i do that please it still not working

This might help:

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I followed this to the Letter and it still not working.

Try going to Manage → Settings → Program Settings → Maintenance
Click on the “Create Default Navigation Buttons”.

Check to see if the Time Clock button is created. If not, click on the “Rebuild Default Buttons”.

Are you clicking the “Save” button after making your settings? I remember i had to change my windows scale just to see it… you can see it in @Bob_be screen shots

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I agree in your screenshots it looks like you are missing several parts of the UI for it including the Save button. Can you go to Local Settings > Display and then set your scale to smaller so you see the full screen? try 80%

It should look like this with the save button at bottom.

In your screenshot its cut off after Daily Hours. Your screen scale is cutting it off.

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Thank you. It worked