I know this is something very special for my setup, but I wanted to show people how to handle Tickets Tags…
I have several ticket tags…
(three sometimes more)
sitting at the table
Dine In
or To GO
So I was needing a report that could show me how much TAXA DE SERVIÇO
I should pay to each Waiter at the end of the day, and wanted to know too, how much I payed at the end of the month… so I had to look into Tickets
, search the TicketTag
and do some calculations for TAXA DE SERVICO
(DIscount, that goes out of the waiter pocket, we dont do discounts, and when a discount is made, I AM THE WAITER).
Hope this helps others to see how to use TICKET TAGS
in Custom Reports…
[Comisiones por Garçon:2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
min(substring(cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37,
CharIndex('"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37
)- CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))-37)
) as [Garçon],
SUM(CONVERT(INT,substring(cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Pessoas","TT":1,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+29,
CharIndex('"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Pessoas","TT":1,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+29
)- CharIndex('{"TN":"Pessoas","TT":1,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))-29)))
as [Pessoas],
FORMAT(SUM(T.TotalAmount)-SUM(Cal.CalculationAmount),'C') as NetoTicket,
when Cal.CalculationTypeId = 4 then Cal.CalculationAmount
else 0 end),'C') as Taxa,
when Cal.CalculationTypeId = 1 then Cal.CalculationAmount
else 0 end),'C') as Desconto,
FORMAT(SUM(T.TotalAmount),'C') as TotalTicket,
FORMAT(SUM(Cal.CalculationAmount),'C') as TotalTaxa
FROM Tickets AS T
LEFT OUTER JOIN TicketEntities as TE on TE.Ticket_Id = T.Id
LEFT OUTER JOIN Calculations as Cal on Cal.TicketId = T.Id
WHERE Date > '{Start}' and Date < '{End}'
GROUP BY (substring(cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37,
CharIndex('"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37
)- CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))-37)
ORDER BY (substring(cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37,
CharIndex('"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)),
CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37
)- CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))-37)
Just to make shure you all understand…
this portion of the SQL does the trick:
substring(cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)), CharIndex('{"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"',cast(TicketTags as nvarchar(4000)))+37
So you have to replace {"TN":"Garçon Pizzaria","TT":0,"TV":"
with whatever TAG you are looking for and replace the +37
with the lenght of the string you are looking for.