Tracking promotion amount

Hello. I am trying to replicate this exact tutorial
but instead of tracking quantity of coffees sold, track the total amount of the promotion items.
Is that possible? any ideas on how to apply this?

Most will be the same.
I would use a report order details expression to sum the total value of applicable orders and use that to update the entity data field.
My preference would be to use a custom product tag to mark products applicable to a specific thing like this offer and use that as the constraint to only count orders for thos products.

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can you give me a couple of more details on how to proceed please?
Basically what I want is to sum the price of all products from a specific category only.
I get a sum of the quantity of those products exactly as the tutorial but I want the total amount of those products.

Category is not a directly reportable factor.
You can do by group but as said my preference would be using custom product tag which you can report on.

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I am at this point using a product tag where I must put the variable for the price intead of {QUANTITY} but It does not accept Line Amount or Total Price
any ideas?

Not seen it done that way…
FYI v3 is fairly outdated now and many on forum have never even used v3…

When I did my loyalty points type system I did at ticket level not order level and counted up applicable products using a report expression to count orders for the ticket given conditions on ticket payment to allocate points to the ticket entity.
Have you followed a tutorial for this?
Although there is less activity you might be better on the v3 forum which is on where those on there will be more familier with the available features in v3.
I run v5 on 90% of my maintaned systems and it has many new feaatures not available in v3 which make life easier so likely to end up sugesting options which arent available to you in v3…

Yeah you are probably right…One last thing though so I can give it one last shot. Can you give me an example of this? “report expression to count orders for the ticket given conditions on ticket payment to allocate points to the ticket entity.”

Looks like added in v4 im afraid…