Two editor widget on one screen

Hi, guys.For a long time I was not.
But now I have a small problem.
I have two editor widgets on one of the screens.

Which write to the {SETTING:X} their values.
But the problem is if I enter a value in one widget, and then in another one, the value from the first widget is removed.

The video shows that when I enter a value in the first widget it is written to the parameter, but as soon as I put the cursor on another widget that value is unloaded from the first widget.

Pretty sure you need to setup for it to also load the setting value into it as default value.
Take a look at one of the cash up screens for ideas maybe.
The character return is being entered after what I’m guessing is RFID or barcode which is submitting the field.

Show screenshots of all the Widget Settings. Don’t care about Widget Properties.