Unable to start sql services [Solved]

unable to run samba getting database connectivity error:

sql server service not starting

i checked in windows event log received this warning one day earlier:

any suggestions…meanwhile i am tryting to find a solution on google


Looks like possibly it’s corrupted.

so i shall just repair the sql server

after uninstalling the preveious server

cannot run the installer gettting error:

thanks let me see if will be helpful

Looks like something simple like a reboot and only having the installation window open. Unsure if even TV is playing a part. Might be worth doing it at the terminal.

i dont what the error was…i read it occurs because of .Net

anyways i install hotfix package

then try to run exe still got error

i run again it was ok :slight_smile:

read while browsing should run the exe few times it will eventually run …