What your trying to do is not possible the way your trying to do it. I think we can figure out something for you though. The action is working as intended its not an issue with the action.
PM me a copy and i can work through it with you.
We can probably get something to work but Why do you want to consider it that same price tag when you changed the price… that logic doesnt sound right. Is it because your using those price tags for reporting?
During Live testing I was asked to Change a Price on the fly as often they would nominate a SPECIAL for the next hour/day on a Priced Item. The Thing is the Price could be Normal or it could be from a PRICE TAG.
Therefore through automation I was trying to allow a Price Change to write back to the DBO to change either a Normal Price “Regular” or a Price Tag “Happy Hour” , or “Trade”.
OK so its like I thought… your using it for reporting… may not be sambapos reports per say but your categorizing it with the Price Tag.
Really sounds like to me you should be using a Switch Menu system for Trade, and Regular pricing instead of Price Tags… keep Price Tags for your specials.
Order itself also have a Tag field that added to store some custom data related with order. I’m not %100 sure but Update Order action should have a parameter for that. This is not a feature used a lot so there might not be printing tag for that but if you find such additional area useful I can check that.
The other way of course would be to use {SETTING:x} to store the old {PRICE TAG}. Now I have confirmation on how it should work I would be happy to move down that route.
Ok its not changing price because of your portion price. Remove portion from it and it will change price but keep portion set. That is one small thing… still working though.
Ok I think you should rethink this business flow. I dont think it will work how your wanting it too. If you want the ability to define a set of prices but also alllow manual changes within that definition I dont think Price Tags is the way to go
Price Tag will update an item to that Tags Price… Portion will update item to that portion price… You can not change those manually it reads them and updates order accordingly. So obviously if you try to set a portion thats priced as well as a price definition thats priced… itsnot going to work. So the only thing you can do with your specific setup is leave out portion and price tag and just change price of item…
Ok - what I might do is restrict the ability to change a non-regular price. As you said it does not make good practise to have a 2nd,3rd… etc. price level to change the regular price BUT then want to change the price again.
Thank you for your explanation above. I am glad we explored these options.
Reallly I dont see anything wrong with wanting to change price again… but it should be understood that once changed its no longer defined as the price tag anymore.
You CAN change price and keep portion name. I can show you how to do that.
Yes if you can please just to ensure I am doing it correctly.
Also can you think of a way I could disable or hide Price Change button if a non-regular price has been selected?
I know you going to say “States” but any other ways…