Urgent ... Weird behaviour when incrementing system variable

More information.

1 computer running windows 7
5 users (4 waitresses + the server)
Only 1 terminal defined (the default : Server)
Other user has no special terminals defined (Terminal Name : blank) after double check this is NOT TRUE (Terminal Name = Server)

I have this problem ONLY when 2 waitresses are working at the same time.
When only one waitress works, MyNumber are serial without double.
Here is an example, I also check for the 9 days, same behaviour.
one user ok (yelow)
two users double

Some questions:

  • It looks like they each have their “own” global variable, Does IsLocal:False work ? Where can I check that setting (SQL?)
  • The above is not exactly true because when a waitress clocks in, she’ll start with the “correct” number, then will come the issue.
  • Do I need to setup the message server/client?
  • Do I have to configure the local settings for each windows user (make different terminal)? I use same printers for everybody.
  • Is {:SerialNumber} = {SETTING:SerialNumber}?
  • How to sql the {SETTING:SerialNumber}?


No they dont have their own value unless you set it to do so.
IsLocal: False works.
You can use SSMS to open Program Setting Table. Or GQL or Show Message to read the number.

Don’t think it has something to do with that.

So I think you tag the ticket and the rule not update serial number right away. Make sure right after you tag the serial number and you have action to update it right away.

Here are my actions/rules, there is not that much.

Do I create an issue topic?

Theoretically yes, though I rarely ever use the short-form, since I am used to that form being Local rather than Global (throwback to older versions). You can force selection of Local (read fro memory) or Global (read from DB) Program setting with:

{LOCAL SETTING:SerialNumber}

Global Settings are stored in the DB Table named [ProgramSettingValues]

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I replace with {GLOBAL SETTING:SerialNumber}
Up to now it works 
 no more double numbers:
Numbers in yellow are generated since I have done that change.

I’ll confirm later tonight with more data.

That also means that IsLocal : False does not work or that I understand it bad.

Btw : I did so for a friend’s restaurant 3 years ago, but V4, and I had no issue.

@QMcKay I might need your db skills tomorrow as I’ll have to modify about 1200 ticket tag in the database :slight_smile:


IsLocal=False does work. Never had any issues with it in 5 years. Possibly you have an old version of the Action cached in the Rules. Remove the Serial Update from the Rules, save the Rules, add the Actions back in, and Save the Rules.

V4 way a long time ago :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and much has changed. I suppose it is possible that some optimization is creating a race-condition and the update is not occurring fast enough before the Ticket is Tagged.

##Try this:

Another way to increment a value (and the way I always do it), is like this:


wtf is happening 

How does this ms sql server works?
Each windows user make some transactional table before updating the database?
It smells rare
Times are the same for the 4 windows users (Lima)
(I cannot test 
 I have to wait to have real tickets and check them 
 it takes time)

I print out a report at 14:04

I generate the Serialnumber in PaymentProcessed so at the closing-for-ever time of the ticket, which is the time I can see in the ticket list Op-Cls column

I print out a report at 16:37

It has newlines in between the previous report


Report printed at 14:04 and 16:37 (scan)

Ticket list with Op-Cls Column

In case of here is my report:

{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.LastPaymentDate,T.TicketNumber,TT.SunatNumber.asc,T.TotalAmount:}

Are you merging tickets?

yes it happens often

So if you merge a ticket the original ticket stays there but will be blank.

A merged Tickets will leave Tickets with 0.00 balance so you can see them pretty clearly in the Ticket Explorer.

I am wondering if your Rules are not in the correct order for what you are trying to do.

Maybe you need to move the Ticket Tag assignment into another Rule or something. Rule ordering can be important sometimes though.

We have:

Payment Processed
Before Ticket Closing
Ticket Closing
Ticket Closed

We also have an Action for Mark Ticket Closed. This is probably only in a single Default Rule named Ticket Payment Check which is a Before Ticket Closing event.

Looking at Rule Debugger, we can see which event comes before which when a Ticket is fully Paid, and it is the same order as I listed above. You can ignore the Automation Command Executed Rules

Pick out important Rules and Actions 
 There is a lot more going on in my system during these Events; this is just an example
 can you see anything strange in your Debugger?

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Yes but
these tickets in the post are not blank
the blank ticket are not printed

Or is it that
the merge tickets goes through the PaymentProcessed method but are not printed because total amount = 0 ?

In these case I still don’t understand why I got a previously assigned number.

Rule debugger ?? a new thing to watch at 
 Where is this?

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Using a global program setting value as a serial number works very well. I use it in my setup daily without a hitch. The actions work just fine and its not something with MS SQL. It more than likely is something with your rule configuration or actions or combination of the both. It can be anything really. We just need to figure it out.

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Using program setting to do what you are attempting to do can be tricky if you have a complex flow with multiple terminals. Remember it is fully dependant on your rule flow and what the event does and how it interacts with the built in hard coded system to prevent duplicate tickets if two different terminals taking orders at same time.

If you are merging tickets
 you need to account for that with your system that you built. Same thing with any other automation you might be doing.

I may have missed this a long time ago but you are aware that we have {TICKET ID} which is a unique number not the same as {TICKET NO} right? Every ticket is assigned a unique TICKET ID even the voided or merged tickets.

I guess I am using terminals although in the terminal section, it points to SERVER for each windows users, so I don’t know if I can do that. Do I have to define a terminal for each windows users, knowing that each windows users will start a separate instance of SambaPOS?

I don’t have a clue about that 
 You see in this country they ask you to print the tickets with a serial number which is obvious for a supermarket but not in a restaurant. For instance this month they come in the restaurant in my street and ask the first number of the day and the last number at the time they come just to see if you are cheating (=not printing bills) I don’t know if that {TICKET ID} can help me with that.

In my mind each SambaPOS instance connect to a database and the database does the job (lock the table while update, release the lock, get the next query) that avoid simultaneous update/reading but what happen here is bizarre because it is not even “simultaneous”, there are minutes between.

I don’t have account, when merged the ticket simply disappears and I can find it in the ticket list.

My guess is one of two things:

  • Your Rules are messing this up in a way that the increment is not happening when it should.

  • It does not work as you expect because of RDP, or the way you have RDP set up. Can’t help you there.

I’ll keep you informed and thank you very much for your time.

so TICKET ID is a unique ID assigned to a ticket once it is written to DB. It is unique and will never duplicate and it is created at time ticket is actually submitted. TICKET ID is the best way to track what you are doing. You can just put {TICKET ID} in your ticket template and print the ticket after its closed. Several ways to do that including using a print state. Or you can force it to write ticket to database at a set point to get the TICKET ID with Save Ticket action.

Ticket Id will be fine if you don’t need sequential numbering with no skipping. But if you Merge Tickets, then Ticket Ids will go missing for all the merged Tickets, and a new Id will be assigned.

No, Merged Tickets do not trigger Payment Processed.

Manage > Settings > Display > Rule Debugger

I would definitely look at the Debugger. You might have something firing that you are not aware of, or something is out of order.

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I am watching the SerialNumber since this morning, all sequential until now:

The second number (27.50) just put itself in between with the same SerialNumber - 161024.

Here is what we did:

(That ticket is split into 2 with MOVE)

  • Open the ticket
  • Select 2 products
  • MOVE them (so new ticket opens - we did not “close” that ticket) !
  • Immediately go to settle and cash

and that printed the ticket with the same SerialNumber (It did not increment the serialNumber)

My rule still is:

There is no reason I can see why it would not increment the SerialNumber.

  • SerialNumber ++


  • Tagging the ticket with this number

only occurs in that rule and once.

Obiously something is wrong:

  • the SerialNumber is NOT incremented (at least in the DATABASE)
  • the ticket is tagged with database value
  • the ticket is printed out

I am using:
{GLOBAL SETTING:SerialNumber} to tag the ticket
IsLocal = False to increment the SerialNumber
So it looks like that

IsLocal : false does not work

For me it looks like an issue.

Now I got:

look at the SerialNumber in database (first line) and look the numbers I have in the tickets

I am sure the next ticket number will be 161028 

Now it has “synchronized” again:

We are talking about minutes between these events you know, we are not talking about ms 
 so database concurrent writing/reading I doubt.

2 Instances of SambaPOSPresentation
1 Sql server running