User name in report

Hello i have a user who appears as * in the user sales report and when i check my users there is no user who is registered as *.what could be the issue?

Any help on this?it happens daily.

I think you created a new user and this user created an order before restarting the Message Server.
That’s why the username is reported as *.
Restart the Message Server and SQL Server service and have this user log in again and the problem will be solved.

Unfortunately we cannot know whose tickets they belong to.How can i trace the tickets to know the exact owner reported as *?

This is caused by auto logout typically. The user is logged out before the ticket is fully closed. Are you using auto logout feature? If so you need to disable it and use automation for it to ensure tickets closed fully first.

@black message server has nothing to do with this and that was bad advice.

For those curious: Message server is there for 2 reasons, to communicate status changes in tickets for entity screens for multi terminal setups (So you see when a table is occupied or not), and for GraphQL to power our cloud addons like Metrik, KDS, etc. Message server does not have anything to do with actual function of automation, rules, etc.

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Sure there is auto logout.kindly help me with the automation setup to ensure ticket is closed fully without disabling the outo logout feature.

There is an action for logout user. You can use it on a rule of your choice but usually it would be ticket closed event since that happens after it’s closed and all automation should be finished.

Try using that action and create a new Ticket Closed rule for it.

Ok let me work on it.

Don’t forget to turn off auto logout for each terminal.

I tried the setup nothing seems to work

Why did you add a report tag for a constraint? Your constraint is working. It’s blocking the action as you told it too.

That’s nothing like what I said.

i have removed the constraint its working but the logout button is not working.and the warning is coming after i send the orders to printers it should only pop up if one attempts to logout before sending orders,

I’m not understanding why you’re doing all of that. Just try what I suggested.

Just put the logout user action in the Ticket Closed rule.

You said you tried the setup but nothing is working. The issue is you didn’t try what I said at all.

You do not need a warning or a constraint.

@Jesse ok have done so added the logout action to ticket closed rule but it does nothing after seding orders to the printers it brings me back to the table entity.shouldnt it log me out?

Hello @Jesse the logout is not working

It does work. Can you show your action? Did you set Logout admin as false and try closing with admin? Do you have something interfering.

when i set logout admin as false it does not work but when i set logout admin as true it works.

That means your user is admin. It’s working.

For it to work for other users it should be set to false?ryt?

For it to work with admin you set it to true. It will work with non admin regardless.