User Permissions Not Working for UNLOCK TICKET. v4

I am running SambaPOSv4 and cannot restrict my servers from UNLOCKing a ticket. Under “User Permissions”, the “Ticket Permissions” is unchecked for the “Can Remove TIcket Lock”. I would like to have manager access only for unlocking the tickets.

This used to work, but at some point something must have happened.

Any hints?

You could set a confirmation option on the unlock ticket button (automation command) say admin pin or map the button to manager & admin level users.

Yes, change the mapping for the button. You can also add multiple mappings, so you could have Admin and Cashier Roles able to use the button …

Ok, I will take a look at the automation commands. I have never dared delve into these before for fear of corrupting things.

What I am not understanding is that simply checking (or unchecking) the box in the user profile settings was adequate and used to work… now it doesn’t. It doesn’t seem to matter whether or not the “Can Remove Ticket Lock” is checked or unchecked. And now I am recommended to go deeper into the automation commands. Doesn’t this seem unnecessary??

Can you show a screenshot of your user settings?

Are these the screenshots you are looking for?