Using Price Definitions/Tags by "entity select" Rule - not working for me

Sorry to hijack the thread :wink:
What the syntax for Contains and Not Contains in Action Constraint?

“sukasem” contains “sem”
“sukasem” not contains “sam”

This is a kind of string matching.

I put this "sukasem" not contains "sam" in constraint box for Action Show Message.
SambaPOS crashed instead of showing the message

Using contains Action always executed no matter what it’s true or not
Using not contains Action always crashed no matter what it’s true or not

Hi There,

I am attempting to change my order price based on a Ticket Tag status. i.e.: I have both a Ticket Tag “To Go” and an Order Tag "To Go"which when pressed, Order price needs to reflect the Price Definition “ToGo”.

Basic intention here is to have two pricing setup without having to have two separate departments.

When Ticket Tag is To Go all orders should use the To Go pricing by default however if Ticket Tag is not To Go, the user can still select an order line and hit the “To Go” button that provides “ToGo” price to the one item selected.

Advice on how I can achieve this please. Bearing in mind I will need a break down in my reporting for To Go Sales to be shown as a line item.

Also How would I add the Custom constraints for this?

My apologies but I am still learning my “constraint syntax” and would need a little guidance.

Thank you in advance.

You could use the Order Tagged event rule that would trigger when you Tag a specific order with your Order Tag of To Go. Create a To Go price list and use Update Order to swap to the To GO price list. This is a better way vs just changing the items price.

Thank you @kendash, whats the best way to approach this when it is a whole Takeaway order rather than an order line. Ie: at our restaurant, a ticket assigned to a “Customer” is always a full Takeaway order.

How can I create an automation constraint that checks that the ticket I am working on is a “Customer” ticket and automatically uses the TOGO price definition.

So if it has a customer assigned this designates it as To Go? You do not assign customers otherwise?

EDIT: Nevermind I see you already said this. My restaurant operates like this as well. I use Ticket State and it automatically changes State when Customer Entity is assigned. I use Entity Updated rule to capture it. This can also swap price lists for entire order using Change Price List Action

Basically when a Customer Entity is added to a ticket it changes Ticket State to Takeaway or To-Go. This in turn changes the Price List to my Takeaway or To-Go list. Technically you would not need to use Ticket State… simply having the check for Entity Updated and looking for Customer Entity would be enough to load a Takeaway price list.

I like having the State so I can do other functions as well particularly my Auto Print functions.

Correct. This is the way we implement our system. There is no need for us to assign a customer to a table as the table is paid for by a single “Payment Transaction” either via Cash or CC

Giving this an attempt now. By the way, is there a tutorial on how to use constraints etc?

Honestly the best way to learn constraints etc is to look at all the tutorials you can. There are hundreds of examples of constraints within them. Look at the ones built by @QMcKay he is a constraint pro. Mine have several as well.

This is not finished and may or may not get future updates but it contains a lot of good information as well.

Ok, Created a rule for “Entity Updated” with Entity Type Name = “Customers”.
Added an action “Change Price TOGO”. Action “Change Price List”. Department “Restaurant”. Price Tag “TA”
Logout / Login/ Select Customer, punch order in. Price is still Regular not “TA”

Where could I have gone wrong?

Show a few screenshots. You did make the Price List right?

EDIT: ok so i told you bad advice. It seems Change Price List action only works before Ticket Created. You will not see it until you close a ticket and create another.

We should use Update Order and set Price Tag to TA.

EDIT: Hmm this does not seem to work either let me go back to drawing board i will post something in few.

Yes I do have Price List :smile: . Evidence attached

Yep, Thats it…works like a well oiled machine for me…

Spoke too soon sorry… It seems to use the Same Price Tag for tables as well.

Ok I got something that works. Hang on will post it. It was little more elaborate than I thought but it works great.

Create an Update Ticket State action:

Create an Update Order action:

Create a Ticket Entity Changed rule:

Create an Order Added to Ticket rule:

In the Update Ticket State action I typed EStatus for State Name you do not actually have to define it in Settings > States it will work fine if you just type it even though it has a drop box it will still let you type it.

Doesn’t seem to want to play nice. It sets the TA pricing for all entities.

Did you set your constraint? It should only set the price if the State is Takeaway. Look closely at my screenshots it should be setup exactly like mine. You can rename stuff but make sure the structure is same. It should only set the State if you add a Customer Entity. Mine are To Go Customers because I changed it to that yours would just be Customers.

If you still are stumped post some screenshots of the setup I will help look at it.

Screenshots attached. Thanks for your patience with me mate.

Also I have added mapping to all the rules as default “*”