Hello guys please excuse me if i duplicated a topic. I am running a small retail shop that selling snacks, fast foods and drinks. I have tried to use sambapos v4 but at startup it shows up tables screen. How can i skip it to just sale screen? Please help me thank you.
First thing that got me as well
Under Settings -> Department -> Ticket Creation Method:
thank you very very very much.
Can my employees manage inventory on their work periods ?
How do you manage such things?
I not using inventory just yet so we going to have to let other forum members answer that - but I am not sure entirely about what you are asking? A work period is really a daily shift - open → sales → close for the Shop. So from my understanding you cannot have more than one WP operating.
Employees can have the ability to manage Inventory but you will need to also search the forum especially any tutorials on:
Inventory Management
User Rights Mapping
Please forgive me, my english is not good
Sometimes our drink and beer shipment comes while i am away. So my employees should change quantity of items in inventory. I am looking forward to this solution.
You can read more about how inventory management works here in the documentation: http://www.sambapos.com/wiki/doku.php/inventory_items.
Also this question has been asked before on the forum, please look here however it is only possible in V5:
Work periods help with reports. You can have as many as you want. It provides a start and end time for reports and to keep track of inventory purchases and corrections.
Generally it works best to start WP when your store opens and end WP when you close.