Waiters sales report

Hi @Jesse thanks for your reply and sorry for being unclear. I’m using your timeclock/customflow tutorial … But Im not sure how to connect Employee Entities to the report instead of Users. I would like to print a Basic individual Staff Sales Report so they can cash out - I am playing with entities on the report template but cant figure out how to connect them properly. Im probably way off - something similar to this?:

Date: {DATE}
Time: {TIME}
@ Employees

Sales|P [=F(TN('{ACCOUNT CREDIT TOTAL:Sales}'),'#,#0.00')]
Service|P [=F(TN('{ACCOUNT CREDIT TOTAL:Service}'),'#,#0.00')]
Discounts|P [=F(TN('{ACCOUNT DEBIT TOTAL:Discount}'),'#,#0.00')]
Total|P [=F(TN('{ACCOUNT CREDIT TOTAL:Sales}')+TN('{ACCOUNT CREDIT TOTAL:Service}')-TN('{ACCOUNT DEBIT TOTAL:Discount}'),'#,#0.00')]
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