We need a simple reports screen with labor projections

I am looking to hire someone to build as a simple HTML/PHP setup which can poll data from SambaPOS (Graph or direct from DB) and an external API 7 Shifts.

The Goal: Connect to the 7shifts API and grab the total money spent on labor this day and then use that number combined with the current sales in SambaPOS to determine the labor cost percentage currently and per hour worked thus far.

Layout: The screen needs to be simple and material based and show:
-Current Sales
-Projected daily sales (average past 3 weeks on this day)
-Current labor (pulled from 7shifts API)
-Current labor cost
-Projected labor cost for day (to calculate this average entire days sales for last 3 weeks on this day and then compare to total cost of labor based on schedule in 7shifts with the api)

These should all update either in real time or when refreshed. I have managed to poll data from 7shifts API very easy. This should be easy to make work if we can combine it with some java/html5 and graphiql.

Please quote me, thank you!

P.S. I am willing to pay and still share whatever results with the community. 7shifts is a very popular scheduling platform and it integrates with some other POS already like TouchBistro. By doing this we could give managers a great way to calculate labor in an automated fashion.

Do you have details of API yet? I would be willing to advise/assist on scripts etc on samba side but not in a position to take on the whole project at the moment (very busy with new property)

I have the API for the 7shifts, they have a nice documentation: https://www.7shifts.com/partner-api/

Maybe I can get someone to poll the required data from their API if you could pickup the Samba side, I have an ok budget for this if you could help out.

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I’m good with samba side, it’s the web side I’m less fluent with.