What is smartest way to do testing

Obviously not. Does it come up every time?

I am trying to config my laptop to be a clone of the restaurant and its not working out as planned.

Let me mess around some more and get back to you.

Yes it is. I thought I had it figured out, but I pressed a menu item and it added it to the table then this message popped up. What I have done is setup SQLEXPRESS on my laptop just as it is at the restaurant. Then I took a backup from last night a zip file and restored it from within samba.

hmm I use all my tests in trial and I have not received that message. You typically get that if license is not installed. Try installing it just dont activate it. worse case is to buy a license for dev purposes but thats not ideal.

Installing what? Did you see that everything is already installed?

I dunno that might be new. I am testing on a beta version atm.

Talk about not ideal. This is getting worse by the second.

I added one more beer now this. Why is this becoming so hard to set up a dev box?

You have done something wrong. Its not hard we just gotta figure out your mistake.

I am trying to replicate a scenario from last night right now

I did this, and it went away. Hope I didnt mess anything up at the live place.

It’s not connected to the live place.

Apologies for bumping an old thread. I feel like this is golden but missed.

Would one know how to implement this time clock?

Tried to import using database tools but had no luck :confused:

Recommend Jessie’s 7shifts intergration over a built in version.


I have the similar problem. I have the working system in restaurant, but I want to develop my SambaPOS, but I can’t to stop working, or need to work in night’s. I have a server with MS SQL. How I can to clone it and merge databases later with warehouse saving?

you cant really do that. You can export your configurations with dB tools and import on live system to impliment.
Also config tasks might be of use.

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I use redgate’s suite of tools. I use SQL Source Control and then SQL Data Compare to compare the production database against the source repository and then generate the change scripts to be deployed to the production database.

Their tools are rather pricey, but well worth it.

There may be some free open source options out there if you look.

That is a very complex and potentially dangerous method. Database tools files are the least intrusive. You can load configurations with database tools files and there is no risk to messing with sql data.

I can work on a database in development and specify which tables are version controlled. Obviously, I’m not including dbo.Tickets and dbo.Payments in verson control.

The smartest way to do testing and import new configurations is through database tools files. Trying to merge databases with scripts is potentialy dangerous and not something I would suggest for anyone that is not an expert to understand how SQL works or expecially how sambapos is structured. As you know there are more than just single tables and entries for some automations.

We built database tools feature specifically for this. It is meant to be used to safely add new features you may have worked on in a different database. If for some reason you need more advanced option you can use Configuration Tasks. They can execute SQL scripts, be validated, and even prompt for input while it runs.

Database Tools imports and exports are the best method though. If you need something more than those please let us know what you can not do with DBTools feature so we can understand.