March 3, 2016, 8:45am
Yep search for miscellaneous item ive done a tutorial for it there is also a retail type setup for this where you have a product button for example called grocery, you then key the proce and press the grocery button and it will add grocery and the proce you keyed
Misc item button with proce and descripton
This database tool file will add the setup for a misc/custom item.
Misc Item.zip (960 Bytes)
Install Database Tools File
Create a product called Misc Item (important that this is spelt exactly, including capital letters)
Add the Misc Item product you just created to your menu categories
log out of samba and back in to update menu change
Select Misc Item from your menu category
Enter Price and description in the keyboard that appears and press enter
Misc Item price is update…
Retail misc button
Hi all.
i am trying to set up v5 for a convenience store and i am a little stuck.
when i click any of the categories it brings up all the products inside the category.
instead i want to be able to do this.
enter a number than click on the category and it will automatically enter it as a sale.
so i enter 1.49 then hit “GROCERY” category button, i want it to automatically add it to the sale as a £1.49 grocery misc item
your help will be appreciated