Hi there i have a pizza store and want to set up a meal bundle for one price. I cannot find anything in the manual. I cannot achieve with Combo meal (main, side, drink)… Here are the deals from my menu
Freedom of Choice
Two 12" Medium Pizzas (i have two mains)
One Cheesy Bread(one side)
One Drink (one drink)
i have similar to this one so if someone can help me on this i will update the rest.
That will complicate things for my POS as i have so many deals for same products. Like even combo has 4 deals for 4 different sizes. Then freedom of choice has two. Then try tripple for 12 14 & 16 then try twin for same sizes. If i have them like these thats easy to organize. Auto will not be understood by all employees as customers will ask for freedom of choice. If you can help me achieve this that will be great. I am attaching my database if you have time kindly have a look at it.
Hi Jesse i have achieved the desired result. thanks to your detailed tutorial… Just one thing … i am trying to configure Gloria Food but the Frame is not Turning Green… I followed all the steps provided in documentation. Can you please suggest something?
My reply was to smartek.
Question was how to achieve this tutorial, hence I said by following the tutorial. LOL
For him to elaborate if there was an issue and if any effort had been made to follow tutorial yet.