sir i need ur help pls very small issue pls help me its very urgent i have to buy 12 license after the demo get approv by client please
Have no idea what your asking, as kendash said, explain so we can understand what your asking, use screenshots if you cant use words.
ok sir if u allow me i wil show u screen shots please
see in this screen table number b10 it is multiple time i just want to make all rpoducts in one table and delete one by one as order get ready
Check you print job settings, I would guess you have set to print invididual orders
sure let me try and get back to u sir
i did but no same it is
i want like this and i shuld be able to delete the item one by one
You need to change your print template.
here is an example one,
Table: <bold>{ENTITY NAME:Tables}</bold> | Ticket No: <bold>{TICKET NO}</bold>
<color Dark Red>{NOTE}</color>
<bold>{QUANTITY}- {NAME}</bold>
- {QUANTITY} {NAME}|**Void**
-- Format for order tags
<color Red> {ORDER STATE:Order Note}</color>
<color Red> * {ORDER TAG NAME}</color>
Also this would not allow you to clear one item at a time it will clear the entire ticket.
after changing template it got white and same it is multiple time table number or ticket number
and when i click on new order its show the colour tag
Make sure your print job is ALL LINES
Also an excellent resource is this topic Kitchen/Bar Display using Task Printer - separate displays for Food and Drink
If you notice how the drink set up is made it is similar to what your looking for. This is what I was referencing when I was working on it.
do u want me to share all my settings sir
So follow Q’s tutorial… The screenshot is on a tutorial page… Follow what it says…
sorry JR sir tutorial totally confusing
Maybe your in over your head selling a epos solution requiring 12 licences then…
If you selling that many or that bigger package I would have thought you would be able to follow one of Q’s tutorials…
Yet another reseller who hasn’t devoted the time to learn the system overselling there services and disappointing clients no doubt
sir from past one month i am just customizing this software all done as per customer requirement now stuck at one issue i am not at all getting hw to do wht to do needed help