Cash Out Feature & Till Cash Feature

To be straight forward, I noticed a cashout report on one of @QMcKay screenshots on a different post, which got me thinking… That having a cash out button which a manager could punch in for every cash out that was made during the day, then the amount would minus from the end of the day report once work period end has been clicked. This way an accurate reading of exactly how much has been earned after cash out expenses. It could also help read the till money accurately. Which brings me to another thing, Cash draw Open and close amount.

Most places have a specific amount of cash in their cash draw to use for change when dealing with cash money, therefore I was thinking whether it was possible to either at start work period or end work period, or even a rule that can be created so that a manager or owner must insert the amount of cash currently residing in the till. This the owner can keep track on any cash money shortages at the end of the day.

So basically a Cashout feature(I’m guessing this is similar to petty cash?) which can be used to track cash expenses.
And Cash drawer change - Used to help track missing cash.

Cash Drawer change scenario- Owner has specific amount of change in the till(IE $600), at the end of the day he/she would have to count the till change again and see whether it matches $600(Which it should every time). The feature would be, a button that allows an admin/manager role to insert Till Change amount at beginning of day, and after work period has ended, they would count and re insert the till change amount, once this is done, samba would calculate the difference and difference would be shown on screen and on report, with the ability to print report when the message pops up?

Am i making sense?

You can review these tutorials to have some idea about what can be done.

my question is how to deal with different cash registers /drawers connected to different samba pos clients ?

you need to setup multiple payments mapped to each terminal so you would have a Cash 1 payment button on terminal 1, Cash 2 payment button on terminal 2 etc etc same for card and other payments. have a look at this tutorial

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So its like setting up the same thing its just different terminal mapping permissions for each terminal

nice excellent explanation I m still learning thanks for the tutorial

The resturant manager just had another quick question the way they deal with that lets say when you start the work period you enter the float value lets assume 460 USD
as 2x100 , 2x50 , 5x20 , 5x10 , 10x1 can we display it that way when the user enters the values and when the balanced it out at the end of the work period ?
Is that possible ? is this why we have \d1 and \d2
I didnt understand fully this statement i know \d(1) represent number but I couldnt get it all
[?Enter Remove Float Value;(\d{1}.\d{2}|\d{1}\d{1}?.\d{2}|\d{1}\d{1}\d{1}?.\d{2}|\d{1}\d{1}\d{1}\d{1}?.\d{2})?

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The slash is escaping it but d represents digit. That is a mask basically controlling the input allowed.

I see thanks for the explanation
so should I create like a script where it will prompt the user to enter these values then the programs sums them then i create a rule that point to that script and uses the total to put it in the float in account
Is that possible or is there an easier way to dot it ?

No you can do it with editor widget. And a custom entity screen.

@allamiro Sorry I read your edit I thought it was legitimate question. Rickh uses Editor widget with version 5. He redesigned it completely for version 5. He might provide a tutorial some day but its fairly complex setup to document so I cant blame him for not having the time to do it.

Whats best is if you study Editor Widget and the way it can interact with reports etc and try to implement something yourself like he did. It might be difficult at first but eventually you will understand it and build something useful it might just be faster than waiting for him to write a tutorial.

thanks for your feedback still putting pieces together diffientlely i m trying to learn and learnt alot of stuff from you guys
i was looking for some ideas or guidance on where to start looking