Cashup Screen sambapos v5

Moved to DB_bak folder and worked perfectly.


READ. Import the file I attached. I left instructions in my post on how to do this.


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This is the number one best way to NOT receive help via the forum… :wink:

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lol how do change layout

which loayout? where? to what? from what? from who?

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do you still have end the period or can you do it from this screen

Do it from that screen, the big green button that says click here to close

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how do you make that layout.?

sorry, cant help but chuckle LOL

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how do make as this default workperiod and change it to gbp?

The screenshot is in GBP… not following that one.

You mean instead of normal work period screen? Not tried but guessing you would need to take out the default work period custom nav menu tile and make a new one to go to that entity screen…
If I were doing that would maybe not take out default tile just encase and maybe map to admin only.

how do you get rid of the tab (workperiods)??

i want to change usd to gbp?

Cant help much on changing the currency but the entity screen is because you have it mapped as a table entity screen by the looks of it.

@QMcKay i remember you posted an addition to your green work period open close button shown above to show numbers of tickets still open. I cant find your post of how to do that do you have the link handy?

Sounds very similar to the custom nav screen I copied few weeks ago :slight_smile:

How do you make it caculate 1p 2p 20p and also how do make pretty cash and just one credit card

Look at it and study how it was made. You will figure it out if you do.[quote=“mavericks, post:60, topic:7105, full:true”]
How do you make it caculate 1p 2p 20p and also how do make pretty cash and just one credit card

He shared the entire setup with you. You have the tools to figure it out now. Hopefully you installed it on a test machine. Just start toying with it and look at how he did it. Look at the entity screen, the rules, the settings.

This is the Caption for the Workperiod button …

Command Name: WP Start or End Confirm



[='{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? '<panel Green>' : '<panel Red>']WorkPeriod is<linebreak/><b>[=('{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? 'OPEN' : 'CLOSED')]</b><linebreak/><linebreak/>[=TN('{REPORT TICKET COUNT:(TS.Status=Unpaid)}')>0 ? 'Cannot Close Workperiod with ' + TN('{REPORT TICKET COUNT:(TS.Status=Unpaid)}') + ' Open Tickets<linebreak/><linebreak/>Click here to see Open Tickets' : 'Click here to ' + ('{SETTING:ISCURRENTWORKPERIODOPEN}'=='TRUE' ? 'Close' : 'Open') + ' the WorkPeriod']</panel>



Got it working perfect thanks for that :slight_smile:

One question how do i set the expression to check more than one ticket status

For example i changed unpaid in the expression to bar tab as when i create a bar tab the ticket status changes to bar tab so i needed to change that in order for the button to show the number of open tickets as i have changed their status

Is there a way to add multiple ticket states so it will calculate and show the number of open tickets whatever state they are. I though perhaps comma separating them in the expression so id tried:

TS.Status=Unpaid,Bar Tab

But that didnt work so for now i just changed it to:

TS.Status=Bar Tab

Or is there a universal that can just replace the Bar Tab part after the = sign so it displays all open tickets, not just those with a specific state?

Use OR (TS.Status=Bar Tab)

It would look like this:

{REPORT TICKET COUNT:(TS.Status=Unpaid) OR (TS.Status=Bar Tab)}

PS. You should probably think about using a different state for Bar Tab and keep Status default.