Changing Table Button Captions

I think you can store ticket ID (or table name) in Tasks as custom data and query them by using Task Custom Report Tags.

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how can i use “LAST ORDER MINUTES” on table button? and i want to change button colour to blue when last order munites be 45 minutes. can you help me?

You would probably use a ternary expression (like an if)
If order minutes < 45 ? panel colour one : panel colour two

First, i want to see last order time on button. How can i?

For that probably can just use the status state updated time as adding a new order will update state. There will be example for that on the forum im sure. Take a look at the original example of the entity state formatting.

See the first part of this topic.


There is a problem. did you try it once? the button looking like this(3 min) and i create a new order. time did not change. it is same 3 min.

Did you wait atleast 1 minute?

Yes i wait. When i click write account, button turn red. And time reset. But i create an order, button still yellow and time is not reset.

So show your setup. So we can see

i solve the problem. if you dont use sql database, it can not run correctly. Thank you

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Just out of curiosity you were not in txt mode were you?

yeap it was in txt mode :smile:

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Lots of people enable that thinking it will work for production. TXT mode is meant for demo purposes just to see a basic look… it was never meant to be actually used and in fact it cant be…as you found out.

Yeah, It would be good if @emre could put a warning on the bottom like the working period, saying something about Samba not being working because its in TXT mode

i have a problem again. i am using 6 tablet pc. and 2 pc. i sent the database.

when i create a new order. it is showing the first order time on table button

i updated my database from v4. is there anything about it?

I took the link to your dB out of public view if we ask for it feel free to pm it.

Are you looking my database? You want it from private?