Changing Table Button Captions

That is not a .60 issue. Its a configuration issue. You made a mistake but you want us to fix it for you. We cant do that unless you show us what you have done. Show us screenshots of what you have done so far.

i did not chance anything. only i upgrade to .60

After order

Now i setup .60

New order

But not time reset

Show this screen …

@Jesse, @emre, the timer is not resetting when new orders are added.


OK looks like it could be something. Next time please be detailed like that. There is no way we would have discovered your issue otherwise.

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If state value does not change it won’t update last update time of state anymore.
Tutorial literally benefiting from a bug :slight_smile:

I noticed if we enter a quantity expression (like 1) for update entity state action it updates last update time even state value does not change.

How can we do this? Can you give example

@omerfarukulusal it works for me when I updated Update Entity State Action's Quantity Exp value as 1.

However it does not update automatically if screen stays still and no tickets creates on terminals.

So I changed the Entity Screen (MASALAR?) as Custom Layout screen, placed a Entity Grid widget and set Auto Refresh Interval value as 60 seconds.

Wow @Jesse hahaha.


İ will try it. Thank you. But 60 sec. İs not neccessery. İ dont want a slow pos screen.

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Good try! I see it though. Lol looks nice.

Edit wait are you talking about the line break parsing issue

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it is done. thank you for your help.

have a strange problem my diplay format rule works fine on one terminal but doesnt on the other any ideas of why that is? :confounded:

Do you have that enabled on the other terminal?

yes, i double checked everything if i didnt miss something and it seems all okay but in practice it doesnt work

What does it look like?

this is the one that doenst display it correctly

this is how it should look like