I have been trying to change the cover charge product to “zero” price. However, when the person count is pressed, a price appears of the number keyed into the person count instead of “zero”.
What might I be doing wrong?
Successfully set up “Person Count” following the guides: # 5.1.9.b. How to add Covers to a Ticket from kb.sambapos.com & # Tracking Number of Persons & everything works as per the guides.
However, the moment I just change the price of the product “cover” to “zero”, it all stops working.
Can anyone guide me & if any further screenshots are required, please tell me which ones.
On your Add Cover to Ticket action, I would explicitly set the price to 0.
In SambaPOS, when you have a zero price product, in the case if you use the number pad to type a number first say you intended qty 5, it would set the price to 5.00 instead, as what number passed is considered to be a price rather than quantity on zero priced products. I think the same is possibly happening here with your action, so setting the price to 0 may force it to take quantity to be what it is.
They are as the tutorial on kb.sambapos.com shows, except for your last advice about setting the price.
The only other change to the tutorial that I made was in making an order tab group related to this to give a choice of cover charge product. One without a charge and the other with a charge.