Db Connection - Whats The Default!?

I thought this was a straightforward question but after an hour I can’t seem to find an answer anywhere on the forum. I did a standard install with the wizard using V5, Sample Data and SQL Express 2014. I now want to start adding other terminals but can’t see anywhere what the DB username, password and name would be? Does anyone know the defaults for this that are set when using the wizard? I have checked sambasettings.txt on the server but no mention of any connection info there at all! Thanks in advance, dk

Did you install SQL Express 2014 or did you choose the localdb version during the install?

Either way if you use multi terminal you need to install SQL Express 2014. Here is a tutorial to get you started.

Here is a great companion tutorial to help you if you have issues.

Here is a general database setup tutorial it explains the connection string. The menu might be slightly improved in v5 but the concepts are the same.

This won’t help you with setting up multiple terminals because you must use SQL Express for that however the connection string for a localdb install looks like this:

Data Source=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB; Database=Sambapos5

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@Jesse Thanks for the info - I did choose SQL Express 2014 Local DB during the setup wizard. For a multi terminal install do I need to install SQL manually thenn?

Yes localdb does not support multi terminal.

Both are SQL Express 2014 the difference is localdb is not a service its just a local process that starts and stops when you load SambaPOS it does not accept client connections.

Full SQL Express 2014 is a service that does accept client connections allowing multi terminal.

PS. If you already did some configuring you can use the Database Backup tool to back up your database and once you get SQL Express going and your SambaPOS connected to it you can simply load that backup.

Understood thank you. Can a local db be migrated to a multi user environment?

Yes I just added to my post above.[quote=“kendash, post:5, topic:10259”]
PS. If you already did some configuring you can use the Database Backup tool to back up your database and once you get SQL Express going and your SambaPOS connected to it you can simply load that backup.

Yep we crossed paths there thank you. I shall follow the tutorial and do a new 2014 install :smiley: Thanks again!

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The default installation of SQLServer Express will create an Instance called:


Installing SQL Server LocalDB 2012 via SambaPOS installation creates an Instance called:


Installing SQL Server LocalDB 2014 via SambaPOS installation creates an Instance called:


Installing SQL Server LocalDB manually (outside of SambaPOS installations) will by default create an instance called:


It is good to keep in mind that an Instance is not the same thing as a Database. For example, my SQLEXPRESS Instance contains 7 Databases with the names like [SambaPOS3], [SambaPOS4], [SambaPOS5]. Though there is nothing wrong with, and nothing stopping you from renaming the Instance during installation to be SAMBAPOS… just know that the Instance is not the Database.

:exclamation: The SQL Server LocalDB versions do not install as a Service; instead they are simply a Process called sqlservr.exe, which you should see in the Task Manager.

If you are using SQLExpress, the Instance is shown in Services. Ensure it is set to Start Automatically.

If the Service is not shown as Started, then you have an issue with Service Startup in Windows, likely due to the way it is set to start or due to permissions.

:warning: If you are wanting to configure a multi-Terminal setup, you must use SQL Express because it supports multiple simultaneous connections, while LocalDB only allows 1 connection.

The connection string looks like this:

Data Source=INSTANCENAME; User Id=sa; Password=sambapos; Database=SambaPOS5

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Actually just thought I’d mention that’s incorrect, at least for 2014 version. Installing LocalDB via SambaPOS installation creates instance called (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB. I think what you might be referring to is with 2012 edition, because v11 = 2012.

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Edited my post… the information was taken from an early post on the forum, likely before 2014 existed.

@markjw please let me know if it is still incorrect. This information is quite useful, but only if accurate.

I think it’s fine, except not sure if it’s case sensitive? Usually I use and seen quoted (LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB (only difference is uppercase L and D in LocalDb.

I have only ever installed LocalDB via SambaPOS however advise elsewhere online matches what you say, including for 2012.

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Anyone has a copy of or a link to DL SQL Server Management Studio for 2014 Express 32bit?

The machine I do beta test uses 32bit atom CPU.

Microsoft seems to have removed the older links. I have a 2005 version but looks like it can cannot find the LocalDB installed by the SambaPOS standard installation.

It won’t just find it. You have to tell it where it is. The newest version should work?

I tried the suggestions above such as “(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB”, none is found locally, however, if I let it find the network it finds my other SQL Servers like the one I am using on development machine.

So may be 5.2.3 use a new string or I missed something?

Try this instead.


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