EBT, Food Stamp support on Samba

Tomorrow we will work on getting this task accomplished,!!!

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@emre Hello again, Samba POS is evolving at an astonishing pace. I need some help, I’m trying to implement samba in a supermarket environment and the solution for EBT payments you developed works like a charm. The scenario changes with the calculations you created for us last time. Now we have some items at rate of 1% tax and others at 6% tax all Tax Templates are set, my question is how i prepare the calculations base on order tag (EBT) and tax rate for given item group code where only the % of a given item get deducted from total when EBT payment is selected.

Again Thanks to all the Samba POS Team for an amazing software

@tingol the hard part about this configuration is determining which items paid with EBT. Since tax deduction calculation depends to Payment Amount we need to know which items that payment covers to calculate tax deduction. Do you have an idea about how we can know which items paid with EBT?

@emre. Thanks for your fast response. As per before your idea of utilizing custom product tags works flawlessly, The only issue i found is the different tax rates on different items, so i was thinking if in the calculation instead of the special custom expression [=TN(’{PAYMENT TOTAL:EBT}’)*0.1] we could use something like {ORDER TAX RATE:X} to deduct the tax from the items that have the custom tag =EBT.

Again Thanks for all the help!

We can easily support that tag but I doubt if it will work when customer pays %50 of EBT products with EBT Card. Does is always gets fully paid?

@emre No, Normally that kind of transaction is more like 75% on EBT and 25% either Cash or ATM card.

So? {ORDER TAX RATE:EBT} will return %100 tax of all EBT items. Does it works for you?

Sorry for the mistake deleting the past thread… @emre if the {ORDER TAX RATE:EBT} give us the total deduction amount this could work as other items without the EBT tag won’t be affected. How can it be implemented in the deduction amount on the rules.

Could it be like [=TN(’{PAYMENT TOTAL:EBT}’-’{ORDER TAX RATE:EBT}’)]

No it can’t :slight_smile:
It can be: if customer pays %75 of ticket with EBT we’ll deduct %75 of tax. Might not be exact calculation but I think it will be nearer. How it sounds?

Or maybe better phrasing will be if customer pays %75 of EBT total we’ll deduct %75 of EBT Tax.

It becomes


What do you think about that?

@emre. Sorry if i confused you, the problem is that some items get charge 1% tax and other 6 % and when the deduction amount is not based on individual items the calculation goes wrong for the deduction. i.e. if X items has the EBT tag w / price of 10.00 and tax of 1% the total would be 10.10 and item Y has EBT tag w / price of 5…00 and tax 6% the total would be 5.30, and the total transaction 15.40 how could i remove or accredit the .40 to tax deduction account while removing it from the ticket total.

I know is confusing, and any help you can give us it’s greatly appreciated,

Again, Thanks for your patience and help.

Deducting .40 is easy when I implement {TAX TOTAL:EBT} tag. This is simple. Where I’m trying to take your attention to is, we should deduct .40 tax if customers pays whole 15.40 with EBT. I’m asking what will happen if customer pays 5.40 with EBT (even all items can be paid with EBT) and remaining 10 with credit card. Will we still deduct .40? If so there is no problem. Wait for the next release for {TAX TOTAL:X} tag :slight_smile:

@emre Thanks for your fast response, if the remaining amount is paid with any other type of payment the tax will be included in the ticket total to be paid.

Thanks for all your help.

Sorry couldn’t understand that. Can you give an example? How much tax we should deduct on your example if customer partially pays (for example 10 of 15.40) with EBT?

@emre Normally the customer will pay the total of EBT allowed w/ the card. So thinking about it your solution {TAX TOTAL:EBT} will work perfect. Sorry for the confusion and again Thanks for all you help!

@emre, I have downloaded and install new release of Samba 4.1.26 , How can I implement the new option {TICKET TAX: < Order State >} to calculate or remove the Tax from EBT Payments on items.

Thanks in advance for your help !!

Sorry that should be {TAX TOTAL:EBT}

Thanks @emre, i’ll give it a try and keep you informed.

@emre It works like a charm!! Tomorrow I’ll be implementing Samba POS 4 in a Supermarket environment and if everything work as expected we will produce a short video in Spanish and send your way.

As always Thank for all the help and an outstanding job !!!

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