Entity Color is not updating after PreOrder

I have enabled the preorder in system and followed the step by step tutorial

After that, when I add order to table, it’s not updating the Color of the table

Any problem with my states ?

How can I rectify it ?

@emre, @Jesse, @RickH

Please help me

Please link the Tutorial, and provide screenshots of your set up.

In answer to your question, yes there is something wrong with the way your States are being set, because they are responsible for the color of the Entity buttons.

This is the tutorial

I have followed

Ok, now post screenshots of the Rules that are responsible for updating Entity State.

Update New Order Entity Color
Update Moved Entity Color
Mark Ticket as PreOrder
Mark Ticket as NONPre Order

And screenshots of your States for Entities:

New Orders
Bill Requested
Cierre (or whatever you called it for a pre-order State)