ESC - HEX - XCT - DEC/Decimal Conversion

I am setting up a new terminal with pole display and am struggling to get template right,
Am in need of the XCT codes.
Have found a list of potential ESC & HEX codes but cant find the reference site I found before on converting the values.
Anyone have a link as is driving me crazy.

Can you give a concrete example about what you want to convert to what?

Have a list of commands,
Pole has option for couple of command modes and is in EPSON POS mode.
Have found a list of EPSON commands;

Cant remember how to convert these into XCT for use in samba template (or am I forgetting something)


Use Dec column for XCT values

Thanks :smile:
That looks like what I used last time but couldn’t find it to save my life.
If its not already maybe it could go in a tutorial post as a good place of reference.?

I have found a fairly big list of commands for many types of pole displays;

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Yeah so this topic can be found when searched :slight_smile:

Dohh, stupid suggestion LOL
Will write a few examples when I’ve converted my codes.

I fount this which covers all my commands, the other link I couldn’t get to work on the commands I thought I needed.
These seem very generic commands so possibly helpful if you don’t have original documentation as a good place to start.

Control Codes

VFD-420 and VFD-220 understand a small set of control codes similar to our other text-mode displays (GLO, VFD, ILM, TRM). Codes not listed below ( e.g., Null, 0 ) are ignored by the display.

NOTE: The display must be in factory-default Normal mode (not “Old” mode) for these control codes to work; see the configuration software description for more information.

Items marked with » can be clicked for tips or more detail.

Home (ctrl-A) 01 dec 0x01 hex

Moves the printing position to 0, the first character of the top line. »

Begin Big-Character Mode (ctrl-B) 02 dec 0x02 hex

VFD-420 Only Puts the display into Big-character mode, in which characters are displayed as 4-line tall graphics. The display can show up to four big characters at a time. The big character set includes 0-9, A-Z (uppercase) and symbols dot/decimal point ( . ), hyphen/minus sign ( - ), colon ( : ) and space. The symbols take up one-half the width of the letter/number characters. To end big-character mode, send ctrl-C, another control code, or a character not available in big mode. »

End Big-Character Mode (ctrl-C) 03 dec 0x03 hex

Sets the printing mode to the default size. »

Hide Cursor (ctrl-D) 04 dec 0x04 hex

Turns off the visible cursor. »

Show Blinking-Block Cursor (ctrl-F) 06 dec 0x06 hex

Turns on a blinking-block cursor that tracks the location of the next character to be printed. »

Bell (ctrl-G) 07 dec 0x07 hex

Pulses the Bell output (marked “J4”) briefly to beep a 25mA piezo buzzer (if connected). »

Backspace (ctrl-H) 08 dec 0x08 hex

Backs up one character, erases that character, sets the print position to erased character’s location. »

Tab (ctrl-I) 09 dec 0x09 hex

Moves the printing position to the next multiple-of-4 screen location: 0→4→8→12→16→20→24→… »

Smart Linefeed (ctrl-J) 10 dec 0x0A hex

Moves the printing position down a line. »

Vertical Tab (ctrl-K) 11 dec 0x0B hex

Moves the printing position up a line. »

Clear Screen (ctrl-L) 12 dec 0x0C hex

Clears the screen and moves the printing position to 0—the first position of the first line. »

Carriage Return (ctrl-M) 13 dec 0x0D hex

Moves to the first printing position of the next line. »

VFD On (ctrl-N) 14 dec 0x0E hex

Turns on the VFD screen after a ctrl-O power-down.»

VFD Off (ctrl-O) 15 dec 0x0F hex

Turns off the VFD driver circuitry to save power. »

Set Printing Position (ctrl-P) 16 dec 0x10 hex

Sets the printing position according to the value of the next byte, position+64 (0x40 hex). For example, to move to the fourth character of the second line (position 23; see the charts above), you would send two bytes, 16 87 (0x10 0x57 hex)»

Right-align Text (ctrl-R) 18 dec 0x12 hex

Displays text (usually numeric) within a field 2 to 8 characters wide. The byte that follows ctrl-R is a text number from ‘2’ to ‘8’ (50-56 dec, 0x32-0x38 hex) that sets the field width. The text after that will be invisibly stored until one of the following is received:

A control code.
A period/decimal point.
The specified number of bytes.
When this happens, the field will be cleared and the received text printed at the righthand end of the field. »

Escape: Start Multipart Instruction (ctrl-[) 27 dec 0x1B hex

See the Escape-code descriptions below.

Escape Instructions

These are multipart instructions that begin with the Escape character; 27 dec, 0x1B hex. Escape instructions affect memory: writing bitmaps to RAM to define custom characters, or storing/recalling text or character patterns to/from EEPROM.

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My clear screen command was as simple as <XCT>12

Hi, I’m glad that this topic has created before. Right now, I’m setting up an ECS/POS customer display, but have no idea about the XCT command. If you don’t mind, do you want to share us your customer display template, please? Appreciated with thanks!

I tried this one, but still messed up.

EDIT: I’m using Posiflex PD-350UE Customer Display, running on virtual COM port. I realised that the clear screen command is the same as yours <XCT> 12. But I’m not sure how to apply the rest of the command in HEX code.

What other command you need?

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